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Social The Social Thread 3.2.1

What is Nintendo testing for NSO?

  • The ability to play full retail games with a subscription ala Xbox Game Pass.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • A new NSO console

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Exclusive Icons

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Where is the Switch 2 Nintendo?

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Do we know if gens 6-9 beta is included in all of this?
They leaked the basic dev files for Sun and Moon/USUM, but it doesn’t seem to be the beta. They are still trying to decode it though.

Gen 6 remains to be seen minus ORAS’s source
File which doesn’t seem too different from final game.

X and Y may still get leaked as it’s suppose to be in the files.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Apparently, Concord has been getting updates on Steam despite having been taken down last month.

I honestly think the game deserves another shot with all the work that was put into it, but unless the majority of the characters get redesigned and/or the gameplay gets heavily revamped so that it actually stands out compared to other Hero Shooters, I can't see any revival of the game lasting for long.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I pseudo-speculated on the mega lineup for Z-A (it was going to be for a fake leak I never ended up posting). I'm already 0-2 lol. I guessed there wouldn't be a mega Zygarde because it already has its own thing with the cells (as opposed to Xerneas and Yveltal, who I did put down as getting megas). I also correctly guessed a Gen 7 mythical would get a Mega... except I thought it would be Magearna because it was already vaguely connected to Kalos, not Zeraora.

I made a few other big swings, let's see if they pay off.
Before anything happens i'm going to post this so i can brag about being the guessing goddess

  1. Snivy
  2. Servine
  3. Serperior (New Mega)
  4. Scorbunny
  5. Raboot
  6. Cinderace (New Mega)
  7. Totodile
  8. Croconaw
  9. Feraligatr (New Mega)
  10. Bunnelby
  11. Diggersby
  12. Fletchling
  13. Fletchinder
  14. Talonflame
  15. Pidgey
  16. Pidgeotto
  17. Pidgeot (Old Mega)
  18. Scatterbug
  19. Spewpa
  20. Vivillon
  21. Zigzagoon
  22. Linoone
  23. Bendybozz
  24. Obstagoon
  25. Weedle
  26. Kakuna
  27. Beedrill (Old Mega)
  28. Azurill
  29. Marill
  30. Azumarill
  31. Magikarp
  32. Gyarados (Old Mega)
  33. Pichu
  34. Pikachu
  35. Raichu
  36. Skidoo
  37. Gogoat
  38. Audino (Old Mega)
  39. Eevee
  40. Vaporeon
  41. Jolteon
  42. Flareon
  43. Espeon
  44. Umbreon
  45. Glaceon
  46. Leafeon
  47. Sylveon
  48. Dedenne
  49. Woobat
  50. Swoobat
  51. Litleo
  52. Pyroar (New Mega)
  53. Pinsir (Old Mega)
  54. Heracross (Old Mega)
  55. Bulbasaur
  56. Ivysaur
  57. Venusaur (Old Mega)
  58. Flabebe
  59. Floette
  60. Florges (New Mega)
  61. Phantump
  62. Trevanant
  63. Gastly
  64. Haunter
  65. Gengar (Old Mega)
  66. Mareep
  67. Flaaffy
  68. Ampharos (Old Mega)
  69. Furfrou
  70. Spritzee
  71. Aromatisse
  72. Swirlix
  73. Slurpuff
  74. Smoochum
  75. Jynx
  76. Rhyhorn
  77. Rhydon
  78. Rhyperior (New Mega)
  79. Ekans
  80. Arbok
  81. Helioptile
  82. Heliolisk (New Mega)
  83. Hippopotas
  84. Hippowdon
  85. Fennekin
  86. Braixen
  87. Delphox (New Mega)
  88. Trapinch
  89. Vibrava
  90. Flygon (New Mega)
  91. Druddigon
  92. Sandile
  93. Krokorok
  94. Krookodile
  95. Larvitar
  96. Pupitar
  97. Tyranitar (Old Mega)
  98. Cubone
  99. Marowak
  100. Kangaskhan (Old Mega)
  101. Roggenrola
  102. Boldore
  103. Gigalith
  104. Aron
  105. Lairon
  106. Aggron (Old Mega)
  107. Solrock
  108. Lunatone
  109. Oreclips
  110. Sableye (Old Mega)
  111. Mawile (Old Mega)
  112. Carbink
  113. Onix
  114. Steelix (Old Mega)
  115. Wooper
  116. Quagsire
  117. Clodsire
  118. Chespin
  119. Quilladin
  120. Chesnaught (New Mega)
  121. Binacle
  122. Barbaracle
  123. Inkay
  124. Malamar (New Mega)
  125. Slowpoke
  126. Slowbro (Old Mega)
  127. Slowking (New Mega)
  128. Skrelp
  129. Dragalge
  130. Clauncher
  131. Clawitzer
  132. Squirtle
  133. Wartortle
  134. Blastoise (Old Mega)
  135. Carvanha
  136. Sharpedo (Old Mega)
  137. Dratini
  138. Dragonair (New Mega)
  139. Dragonite (New Mega)
  140. Tyrunt
  141. Tyrantrum
  142. Amaura
  143. Aurorus
  144. Aerodactyl (Old Mega)
  145. Spinarak
  146. Ariados
  147. Ledyba
  148. Ledian
  149. Dewpider
  150. Araquanid (New Mega)
  151. Yamper
  152. Boltund (New Mega)
  153. Klawf (New Mega)
  154. Swablu
  155. Altaria (Old Mega)
  156. Litwick
  157. Lampent
  158. Chandelure
  159. Scyther
  160. Scizor (Old Mega)
  161. Kleavor (New Mega)
  162. Hoppip
  163. Skiploom
  164. Jumpluff
  165. Kecleon (New Mega)
  166. Honedge
  167. Doublade (New Mega)
  168. Aegislash
  169. Espurr
  170. Meowstic
  171. Charmander
  172. Charmeleon
  173. Charizard (Old Mega x2)
  174. Numel
  175. Camerupt (Old Mega)
  176. Capsakid
  177. Scovillian (New Mega)
  178. Bellsprout
  179. Weepinbell
  180. Victreebel
  181. Igglybuff
  182. Jigglypuff
  183. Wigglytuff
  184. Meditite
  185. Medicham (Old Mega)
  186. Abra
  187. Kadabra
  188. Alakazam (Old Mega)
  189. Froakie
  190. Frogadier
  191. Greninja (New Mega x2)
  192. Staryu
  193. Starmie
  194. Buneary
  195. Lopunny (Old Mega)
  196. Hawlucha
  197. Oranguru (New Mega)
  198. Turtonator (New Mega)
  199. Gible
  200. Gabite
  201. Garchomp (Old Mega)
  202. Slugma
  203. Magcargo
  204. Charcolh
  205. Goomy
  206. Sliggoo
  207. Goodra
  208. Swinub
  209. Piloswine
  210. Mamoswine
  211. Bergmite
  212. Avalugg
  213. Snorunt
  214. Glalie (Old Mega)
  215. Froslass (New Mega)
  216. Snover
  217. Abomasnow
  218. Lapras
  219. Cubchoo
  220. Beartic (New Mega)
  221. Noibat
  222. Noivern (New Mega)
  223. Riolu
  224. Lucario (Old Mega and New Mega)
  225. Pumpkaboo
  226. Gourgeist
  227. Klefki
  228. Zorua
  229. Zoroark
  230. Shuppet
  231. Banette (Old Mega)
  232. Beldum
  233. Metang
  234. Metagross (Old Mega)
  235. Skorupi
  236. Drapion (New Mega)
  237. Koffing
  238. Weezing
  239. Trubbish
  240. Garbodor
  241. Varoom
  242. Revaroom (New Mega)
  243. Bagon
  244. Shelgon
  245. Salamence (Old Mega)
  246. Ralts
  247. Kirlia
  248. Gardevoir (Old Mega)
  249. Gallade (Old Mega)
  250. Snubbull
  251. Granbull
  252. Sigilyph (New Mega)
  253. Emolga
  254. Golett
  255. Golurk (New Mega)
  256. Houndour
  257. Houndoom (Old Mega)
  258. Electrike
  259. Manectric (Old Mega)
  260. Yanma
  261. Yanmega
  262. Nosepass
  263. Probopass
  264. Stonjourner (New Mega)
  265. Absol (Old Mega)
  266. Treecko
  267. Grovyle
  268. Sceptile (Old Mega)
  269. Torchic
  270. Combusken
  271. Blaziken (Old Mega)
  272. Mudkip
  273. Marshtomp
  274. Swampert (Old Mega)
  275. Latios (Old Mega)
  276. Latias (Old Mega)
  277. Rayquaza (Old Mega)
  278. Calyrex (Base, Ice Rider, Shadow Rider, Flame Rider, Plague Rider)
  279. Glastrier
  280. Spectrier
  281. Cremstrier
  282. Blightrier
  283. Mewtwo (Old Mega x2)
  284. Xerneas (New Mega)
  285. Yveltal (New Mega)
  286. Zygarde (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
  287. Aanungamir (10%, 33%, 66%, 100%)
  288. Diancie (Old Mega)
  289. Hoopa
  290. Volcanion
  291. Magearna (New Mega)

Mega Serperior - Grass/Steel
Mega Cinderace - Fire/Electric
Mega Feraligatr - Water/Dragon
Mega Pyroar - Fire/Fighting
Mega Florges - Fairy
Mega Rhyperior - Rock/Dragon
Mega Heliolisk - Electric/Normal
Mega Delphox - Fire/Psychic
Mega Flygon - Ground/Dragon
Mega Chesnaught - Grass/Fighting
Mega Malamar - Dark/Psychic
Mega Slowking - Psychic/Steel
Mega Dragonair - Dragon/Fairy
Mega Dragonite - Dragon/Flying
Mega Araquanid - Water/Bug
Mega Boltund - Electric
Mega Klawf - Rock
Mega Kleavor - Bug/Rock
Mega Kecleon - Normal
Mega Doublade -Steel/Ghost
Mega Scovillian - Grass/Fire
Mega Greninja - Ice/Dark
Mega Oranguru - Normal/Psychic
Mega Turtonator - Fire/Dragon
Mega Froslass - Ice/Ghost
Mega Beartic - Ice
Mega Noivern - Flying/Dragon
Mega Lucario Z-A - Fighting/Ground
Mega Drapion - Poison/Dark
Mega Revaroom - Steel/Poison
Mega Sigilyph - Psychic/Flying
Mega Golurk - Ground/Ghost
Mega Stonjourner - Rock/Ghost
Mega Xerneas - Fairy/Grass
Mega Yveltal - Dark/Flying
Mega Magearna - Steel/Fairy

Bendybozz - Normal/Fighting. Evolves from Normal Linoone while knowing Bob and Weave

Oreclyps - Rock/Psychic. Evolves from Lunatone or Solrock if both are in your party and one is exposed to the Solar Shard

Charcolh - Fire/Rock. Evolves from Magcargo when exposed to the Black Agurite.

Cremtrier - Fire. Can fuse with Calyrex to create Calyrex - Flame Rider

Blightrier - Poison. Can fuse with Calyrex to create Calyrex - Plague Rider

Aanungamir (10% forme) - Ice.

Aanungamir (33% forme) - Ice/Rock.

Aanungamir (66% forme) - Ice/Fire.

Aanungamir (100% forme) - Ice/Electric

Zygarde’s various forms are used as Ride Pokemon - but you can only use the 10% form in battle before the post game. All of them are Dragon/Ground type. Aanungamir is vaguely antagonistic. AZ’s Floette is in the game. A character calls it an “Ascendant form” and compares it to an “Ursaluna found on a faraway island”, so i guess those are a thing now. No new regional forms - the only ones that show up are Galarian Zigzagoon, Paldean Wooper, and Alolan Raichu.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Apparently, Concord has been getting updates on Steam despite having been taken down last month.

I honestly think the game deserves another shot with all the work that was put into it, but unless the majority of the characters get redesigned and/or the gameplay gets heavily revamped so that it actually stands out compared to other Hero Shooters, I can't see any revival of the game lasting for long.
If it does stay the same design despite going F2P, then it will be a pointless rebound that ends with the same crash.
Also, Concord has a HUGE ($400 million dollars) debt to pay for Sony if it starts getting back on its feet.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
What if instead of Game Freak it was called Game Fre- oh wait

Of course Cyrus is autistic! He's an evil, anti-social man who doesn't feel emotions, and tries to destroy the world to make one where no one can feel any emotions.

Aren't all autistic people like that?
I mean… i definitely went through a “world domination” phase in college but idk if that’s common for other autistic people.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I’m just glad the biggest takeaway from these leaks was beta designs, some out of pocket lore and memes, instead of blowing the lid on a game that won’t be released for a year.
As much as I'd love to say this is the case...it's only day 2 Noi.

There's no honor among thieves. Give it a week and I'm betting it'll all be out there.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom

Rumor has it the leaker has shared the ZA files with about 12 other people. With there allegedly being a patch for emulators that would let them play the game( the leaker originally claimed he did have the rom and played it in full)

So at this point it’s a matter of time before more people start sharing, so be forwarded as the game might leak within the next few days


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Rumor has it the leaker has shared the ZA files with about 12 other people. With there allegedly being a patch for emulators that would let them play the game( the leaker originally claimed he did have the rom and played it in full)

So at this point it’s a matter of time before more people start sharing, so be forwarded as the game might leak within the next few days
Welp, time to dodge Gen 10 spoilers either way.



Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
I told my friends not to share any upcoming game related leak in our group chat. They're not as big on Pokémon as I am these days but they could probably come across this stuff online and share it, so I warned them in advance

Unless we get leaks shared here in this thread I should be fine


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Still, I wanna know what the design team were on when they thought up beta Metagross and Cacturne.

Those designs are legitimately terrifying.
They hired the guy that made those realistic pokemon designs. They really wanted to show the graphical change between Gen 2 and 3.

Metagross is funny though because Pokemon insurgence has a similar spider idea for it:

I never really made a spider connection before that though


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Still, I wanna know what the design team were on when they thought up beta Metagross and Cacturne.

Those designs are legitimately terrifying.
My current theory is that, for a hot second, they toyed with the idea of making Pokemon more “mature”.

At the time Gen 3 was in development Pokemania was fading away, and there was a big question of whether Pokemon would stand the test of time or just be another fad of the 90s. I think they very briefly thought of making the series edgier to keep up with the trends of the early 2000s.

Of course they obviously decided against that in the end. Y’know, assuming this theory is true.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
For those that will ignore the NDA, it is better to not face the wrath of Nintendo themselves.

Dumbass, you are literally provoking a sleeping giant.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Yesterday I was explaining to my parents the NSO playtest and they didn't believe me when I told them that there will be some people who will intentionally ignore the NDA.

Poor souls
I bet there’s also gonna be one or two people trying to sell the codes to get in.

However, since the playtest required registering your Nintendo ID, I bet it won’t work except to the registered accounts.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Reading Carnifex. I really enjoy it so far but one thing really grates at me at how idiotic the main human villains methods really are.

So Charlie, the owner of the Kooylah National Park along with his family had been protecting the existence of the marsupial lions 50+ years, maybe even more and continues to want to continue keeping them a secret so their existence isn't threatened by greedy corrupt landlords and potential poachers.

But at the same time, by getting rid of the witnesses or those that threatens the secret of their existence. Yes feed these people to the very creatures you want to protect, it isn't like by doing this you're only going to make them even more dangerous than ever...Oh wait...

If he was actually smart and want to protect them, then lure those people somewhere, snipe them, feed their bodies to the crocodiles, crocodiles don't leave anything behind nor are they an endangered species. Whatever fate awaits you (Arrested, killed by the very creatures you swore to protect, killed by one of the main human characters), this is all on you and this all could had been avoided if you just simply brought the main human characters to a watering hole with crocodiles and left them behind.

Because if anything you're only making the creatures you swear to protect more dangerous. You should know once a carnivore eats someone, they develop a taste for human flesh (Cases for rogue maneaters like tigers) and there's still that chance you might slip and their secret is revealed.

Especially for a guy that if possible tries to avoid dispose innocent people who might accidentally expose their existence.

Hell, if you REALLY wanted to play this smart, there'd probably been animal organizations that could've helped you keeping their existence as a secret until the time was right to ensure they'd be in no danger.

Not that I'm defending his actions btw, bro deserves to go to jail at least for what he's doing. Just saying if he were smart, this is what he would do to protect them. If he was a sadistic ******* to begin with that took joy in it, there wouldn't be this problem then.

That said. Got less than a hundred pages to go and then onto my next book Cherokee Sabre by Jamison Roberts.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Anyone that likes horror movies. I would recommend Thanksgiving (2023). It's a fun slasher with creative and gruesome kills and I'm watching it tonight!

One of new movies I'll watch during holidays every year! :D


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
It’s strange that one of the things Deadpool is really known for in the comics is him listing after Spider-Man but that will never happen in the movies because spider-man is always gonna be a kid in the movies.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I need a guy who'll say "Let's go somewhere romantic" and then drive me to that one quarry they use to shoot dramatic fighting scenes in every season of Super Sentai.
Same, it's become a fun little game seeing shooting locations in other shows or seasons lmao. Did you recognize something from Boomboomger? I haven't really had to time to check it but I hear it's really good


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Same, it's become a fun little game seeing shooting locations in other shows or seasons lmao. Did you recognize something from Boomboomger? I haven't really had to time to check it but I hear it's really good
The other places aren't quite as memorable for me but I'm pretty sure there are a few. While King-ohger definitely had a unique story, I'm quite enjoying the return to less CGI heavy fighting scenes. The characters are great, too - Bun Black is easily my favorite black ranger so far.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
The other places aren't quite as memorable for me but I'm pretty sure there are a few. While King-ohger definitely had a unique story, I'm quite enjoying the return to less CGI heavy fighting scenes. The characters are great, too - Bun Black is easily my favorite black ranger so far.
Yeah I just couldn't get as invested in Kingoher for similar reasons, though it having more emphasis on a story was nice even if it solidified my thoughts on what a Sentai should be like as I didn't like Kyuranger much though. Might check it out next week as I have a vacation planned


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
The XY datamine so far have not revealed much, but they did find the stats and ability of mega Jynx that was planned:

No sprite for it yet though, but it seems to really have gotten far into development. No idea why they cut it


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
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