I'm thinking about my idea for a Pokemon Love Type again. Y'know, the one that's strong against cruelty and darkness but weak against insects.
For a while, I considered making Love weak to Fire, cuz, y'know, heartburn. But then I realized...part of my wishes when it comes to the Love type was to nerf Steel, which DOMINATED Gen 9 and has been one of the best types for years. But Fire is not only strong against Steel itself, but also just one of the best types in general, with a lot of resistances (including Fairy, one of the OTHER best types) and being the most reliable counter to Steel in general. Plus it has Incineroar, so, yeah, y'know...
I feel like if Love was added and was weak to Fire, Fire would supplant Steel as the new Best Type in the Game - which is ridiculous given that it's a STARTING TYPE. I don't want the main Starter Type Trio to be that hideously weighted, and Love being weak to Fire would also probably cripple the Love type overall (nobody likes being weak to the best type in the game, as Hydreigon can attest), so I kicked out that idea.
And as a summary, here is the type matchup I made for Love.
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I like this cuz not only does it nerf Steel and give a nice boost to Bug, but it's also a huge boon for Psychic, which has suffered HORRIBLY since its initial fall from grace and has just fallen by the wayside overall. A new type like this would let Psychic become more of a mainstay again.