Day 11: Devil May Cry 3
What a coincidence that I scheduled this game on the day a trailer for the Netflix show comes out lmao. Devil May Cry 3 is one of the coolest games out there, changing your tastes forevermore. You boot up the game and see Dante being a cool dude eating pizza until he gets ****in stabbed by like a dozen demons, then he shakes em off and does Wacky Wahoo Pizza Man **** and earns a permanent place in your heart. This game's combat has such an incredible feel to it that may take getting used to, especially if you aren't used to waiting between sword swings, but it feels ridiculously satisfying to get the hang of. Doing a High Time into Ebony and Ivory or a Prop Shredder makes you feel incredible, sending everything flying with crowd control combos puts a smile on your face and getting to see Dante do the cool **** in cutscenes only in game is simply divine. Then you have the game's challenge into the mix, not only because it's pretty hard, Easy Mode only becoming available when you die a handful of times, but also to get a high combo rank going. Hell, there's even some statues that give you goodies if you can get a high enough combo rank on them which is such a fun idea that I'm shocked it isn't more common.
The combat has substance to be sure, but what about style? Dante starts with 4 of them! Styles let you add just a bit more flair to your combat with more moves, proper dodges or even a guard button. Usually this is something you can only change at the start of a mission or at a statue, but the Switch version lets you switch styles like in DMC4 and DMCV alongside all your weapons, making it the best way to play this masterpiece. This isn't even getting into how cool the music is, the great story which excels at characterization and is surprisingly deep or the fond memories I have of beating the final mission with an S rank or beating Lady by yeeting a sword at her when she broke out of a combo on a slither of health. A true classic, easily a top tier Capcom game period, especially for the Switch due to the aforementioned switch mechanic