So I just learned today that neither Naoto Kurogane, Teddie, Seth, nor Heart have unique voice lines in BBTAG. It's literally Palutena's Guidance and post-launch DBFZ DLC all over again! Could they
not have delayed or at least save them for a sequel or something?? Jesus H. Christ, I wait half a year for news to
finally get Seth in the roster, and now he's got ****ing
n o t h i n g to say to the others. Even worse with Heart since there was that April Fool's gag with her and Ragna several years ago. MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
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This makes me
really apathetic at the idea of anything else in the future. I was excited at the prospect of Tsukihime and/or Fate characters interacting with Blazblue and Persona characters, but now that will NEVER happen! I know you only barely have any chunga-chunga-change in your pockets Mori, but interactions in a crossover are part of the overall chemistry. You can't omit that in a crossover, Mori. ****ing... Ffffffffffff-
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rant rant rant rant]