The one thing the Wii is seriously lacking right now is a **** good multiplayer game. Wii Sports is ok to start off, but it gets old after a while because you don't have a whole lot of control (in Tennis, you can't control your movement, in Golf, you can control your aim, etc.). Red Steel isn't very good, by any measure. The controls work perfectly, although I wish the Sword-Fighting recognized your moves better, but the multiplayer sucks. There are only 4 stages, you can't switch up the weapons, and you can only play deathmatch unless you have 4 people for "killer" - and I don't know about you guys, but that's not going to happen until the next smash-fest near me, or online. Speaking of which, what happened to online, Ubisoft? Maybe I should have gotten Far Cry or Call of Duty 3 instead. In every catagory except for control and graphics, Red Steel is worse than Ye Olde GoldenEye 007.
... So does anyone see the much-needed kick-*** online multiplayer-intensive FPS game in the Wii's future? Zelda is sick, but it will only entertain me for a while. (A long while).