I finally unwrapped my copy of Red Steel. What monsters of foul gameplay, graphics, and control would leap out at me?
Suprisingly, none. I have only two complaints thus far. Obivously, the controls. They are a problem in the turning aspect...however they're not nearly as much of a problem as people make them out to be. The lock on feature helps ALOT. And before you hard core FPS fans start hisssing and booing, its not lockon in the sense that you can't miss. It means that the person is locked at your center of vision. However, you can still aim freely within tyour vision range. SO you can be looking at one person, but if another guy pops out, you can quickly aim to take care of him and then get back to the problem at hand. You still have to aim, so its not cheap at all.
My other annoyance is actually becoming a plus. I didn't like the between mission comicbook like frozen images, but know I think it gives the game a unique sort of feel and i kind of like it. The sound for this game is incredible.
Opening doors, throwing grenades, reloading, picking up weapons...its all so intuitive and it fits like a glove.
Overall, if i was doing the reviewing I'd give this game aty least a 7.5/10 for the masses, 8.5 for my personal feelings.