... I know all this. Still doesn't stop it from being an incredibly high rating show here =P. Oh, and while Caitlin might not be as interesting, she's wayyyyyyy more attractive than Marissa. Marissa was too thin >_>. Almost anorexic.You know, the OC used to be good during season 1, but after that, it all went downhill. Blatant attempts at male fanservice (Marissa turning temporarily lesbian and making out with other hot chicks), a complete lack of actual progression (major problems are miraculously resolved in 1 episode), and really awful story arcs just completely ruined the show. Now that Marissa's gone and replaced by her less-attractive and completely uninteresting sister, the whole Ryan-Marissa dynamic's gone to ****. Great job, Fox.
Anyways, back on topic. I preordered my Wii a couple days ago, so I'm guaranteed one on Aus launch day (December 7th... a day that will not live in infamy /lame) ^_^.