Concering what was said above about the NAME not the product, tell me this: do you buy names or products?
I rest my case. Regardless of the name, if the console is still good, it will STILL be good.
Also, notice that Nintendo is getting exactly what they want--shock, surprise, PRESS.
People are talking about this now, and its gathering attention to the console just before E3.
Coincidence? I doubt it.
We can judge the name all we want, but if a name is what sells a product and not the product itself, then that just goes to show how STUPID consumers really are.
We don't know the entire picture yet, and until we do, we can't really judge anything too much except make our little kid pee jokes.
At least they went for something that wasn't 'generic video game word + geometric shape + number.'
It's different, and it's got people talking.
That's called press, and as long as Nintendo can follow up with a good product, then this press is doing exactly what it should--build curiosity and suspense.
If people doubt the stupid name and it turns out to be a hit seller, then it'll only leave us more impressed than it would if it had a more generic name.
Don't misinterpret me, though--Revolution was STILL the coolest console name ever.
But the name doesn't matter quite as much to me as the GAMES do, know what I'm sayin'?
Super Smash Brothers Melee would STILL be just as good if it was titled, "Smash Bop Sockem Pee People." And we'd be lazy anyway and call it SBSPP instead of SSBM.
Point is, names don't make products.
First thing *I* thought when I first saw the name and logo: Korean MP3 player. The thing people have to remember is, Nintendo's trying really hard to change, and if you've followed all the craziness surrounding this thing, a goofy-sounding name shouldn't be that shocking, especially following the initial controller reveal. Now they're saving the best for last: the games. - Ray Barnholt of
You've gotta admit, a radically weird name matches a radically weird console.
Everyboday was having these EXACT same reactions when the controller was revealed, remember.