The Wii Is Going To Be Nintendos Biggest Failure
alright here are my thoughts on the "wii"
It sounded much better with "revolutions" as the feakin name,
when i heard the name was wii, i just felt disapointed, i mean nintendo's downfall was the freakin 64, which is when they decided to be a childs video game system, then gamecube came out and i was hoping for more, and yes it was 100 times better than the 64, but yet again, they decided to come out with all this childish crap, they had a select few games that i was way into, one being zelda, no matter how childish it gets, it will always have a spot in my video gaming heart. But when i hear "wii", thats just completely stupid, not only sounding , but it makes it sound even more childish than ever.
second, when i saw the freakin remote things, my expectations for the system fell down to zero. everyone says, hey its cool, WHATS SO COOL ABOUT A D-PAD AND FOUR BUTTONS (not including the traditional start and select that never do anything important). and very inconveinently placed i might say. They may be trying to go back to a more old school look, but you really cant do that these days, games are more complicated than, jumping and shooting, you have to have a large selection to choose from. And the whole remote thing, doesnt that look like it would get uncomfortable, both your hands like 2 inches from each other. Then some people told me that i could flip it sidways, but wouldnt that cover up the sensor, causing it to be useless. Then i was also told that with a sword fighting type game, you could move the remote in a slashing manner to make the character slash his own sword, sorry but i think that is the worst idea ever, the whole sensor thing like that worked for duck hunt and thats it. I mean its not one of those cheesy plug and play games (in which CHILDREN like). Then if you dont like the d-pad, you can BUY a freakin analog stick attachment. yet another necessary thing nintendo wants you to have to pay for. yeah in all i hate the design of the paddle.
later i was told that they would be coming out with a regular controller, which sort of made me happy cause i would extremely hate playing a zelda game with that thing. but i have never seen any pictures or official notices that they are coming out with another controller design, and if they havent, its going to be like the xbox over again. They first came out with these freakin huge completely inconvenient controllers, but later realized that they were too big, and made a smaller size which i liked 10 times better. so nintendo will release these crappy controllers and people will realize what a crappy idea it was and nintendo will lose in that area, making them realize that they need to pull their heads out of their butts and look around, the customer wants what works well, not what "looks cool".
also nintendo used to be my favorite video game company, but again with the crappy childish titles, and even the crappy not childish titles. They are going to have to try harder if they want to keep it going. Seriously, when it was in the 64 stage, playstation went ahead of nintendo because it actually targeted an audiance above the age of 8, lets think, what sells better, 8- games, or 8+ games? Thats why resident evil games are of the most popular of theirs, because they actually did something right there. yeah, every system comes out with E rated games but which comes out with the most? and after the 64 stage nintendo lost a lot of ground during its gamecube phase. it started with the ps2 as the favored system, but a lot of playstation fans converted over to the xbox, not because of the quantity (because by far, playstation has the largest number of titles), but because of the quality, Xbox came out with much better games, i must say i am an xbox fan. And yes the 360 has had its glitches, but thats because they are barely out, didnt the ps2 have problems too, same with the regular xbox. But releasing it early was a bit of a smart thing to do, cause the ps3 is going to have glitches, probably just as bad, and 360 will have worked out a lot of the crap while the other systems are trying to figure out how to fix their own. Also the whole being able to sync with a computer will be a big upside for xbox, because that brings in the computer gamers. Much larger audience, bringing much larger popularity. ....well i got a little off subject there so i will redirect my ramblings....
well all in all, i dont have high expectations for wii. i will probably get one for SSB3 (if they come out with one) also if they come out with any more Zelda games (more than likley because nintendo doesnt seem to have the power to make a new character that seems to hit it off as big, so they will).
But i dont expect nintendo to last too long after this system, or past it, because, Just like Sega, they will stop being as creative and stick to making sequels that get crappier and crappier, until thats all they have and they get bought out.
that is all for now, and i look forward to your response on my thoughts, because for one, i like arguing, dont get me wrong i will respect your opinion, i just like to spread mine too.
signed BILLY AGE 8