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Wario Wario Wario
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  • I'm thinking of writing down some ideas for how to desexualise Peach in Smash (without forcing her to be OOC so she can be a "2010s tough girl") - I've already got an idea for Peach Bomber - same effect, but instead the animation is her gliding with the P-Wing and delivering a big slap (I am aware slaps are quite a stereotype, but I don't really have a problem with them since they don't contradict Peach as a family friendly character) - I chose the P-Wing in specific because she gives Mario one in Mario 3.
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    Reactions: Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Implementing Toad more would probably be a good idea.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Here's what I've got - I tried to keep her functionally the same.

    SIDE B: Instead of a butt-bash, Peach flies forwards with the P-Wing, with the attack being delivered by a slap.
    FORWARD TILT: Peach raises her hand to create magic sparkles, think Fantasia when Mickey is rising his hand upwards to create waves of water.
    BACK THROW: Peach throws the character in her arms to Toad, who then throws them further. This move is slightly more slow as a result of the more complex animation, but has the same trajectory and damage.
    BACK AIR: This move stays the same, but with the heart particles and sound effect removed
    DOWN B: The stitched face turnip now has the heart particles that once belonged to back air.

    Back air was pretty difficult, but I ultimately decided it wasn't as uncomfortable as Peach's other butt moves given the short length, hence the minimal amount of changes to that move in specific. I didn't actually know they changed her down throw until when I was researching her moveset for these changes.
    While Eggman is my most wanted second Sonic rep, I feel Knuckles makes the most sense from an objective standpoint - Shadow would appeal solely to Adventure and Dark Age fans, Tails would probably appeal more to Classic and "Meta Era" (I hate that term, I just don't know what else to call it) fans than others, I imagine most of Eggman's moveset would be taken from the Classic games so yet again, not enough broad appeal - but Knuckles is a character equally loved by Classic and Modern fans and a major part of almost all Sonic iterations.
    I sympathize that having Knuckles without Tails would be weird. A possible workaround to this could be Tails lifting Knuckles in his Up B.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I honestly think having Tails in Knuckles' moveset would be even worse than leaving one out - you know how people feel about characters making non-playable appearances, and considering special moves very rarely get changed that'd be pretty unfortunate.
    Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule I agree. As someone who's most wanted Sonic character is Knuckles, I feel like it would be wrong if he got in before Tails as it would be like if Wario got in before Luigi. Can't say Yoshi because technically Yoshi got in before Luigi if you want to count the hidden 64 characters being implemented last.
    I brought 4 games on Switch with part of my birthday money: Super Meat Boy, Mega Man X collection, Shaun the Sheep, and Marble it Up.
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    Reactions: Janx_uwu
    Really want to grab the X collection sometime soon. Glad you were able to pick it up!
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Yeah, I mostly brought it because I enjoyed Mega Man X on the SNES Classic - it was a game that actually caught me by surprise a little, I really don't like the NES Mega Man games, but the X games are pretty cool.
    I used to have the first two Mega Man games on Wii virtual console, but being the dumb stupid kid I was at the time I never got past a single boss. Just recently though, I was able to get really close to beating it on SNES Classic, so I’ve been wanting to grab the collection on Switch because of how addicting they are once you overcome some of the bosses.
    I wish the Playlist function could be used for My Music - so many songs stuck on the wrong stage... Gangplank Galleon for Pirate Ship, Galaga Medley for Lylat Cruise, most of the "others" songs for any serious looking stage other than Streetpass Quest...
    The reason a lot of people (me included) can't take non-professional game criticism seriously (not that I can take professional game criticism seriously too...) is because of the stupid arguments people throw out. "The tree is low poly!" "the Dark Queen has no boobs!" "the game is 30FPS!" - like seriously, who in their right mind cares?
    You know, a lot of people joked about Piranha Plant and "Waluigi tears", but really most Waluigi fans were super happy about the plant. Even before the mysterious absence of Spirit promotions from the first Fighters' Pass we all thought ATs deconfirmed, so it actually felt really good to see any sort of weird lanky Mario character. That being said, given recent rumours; a certain trademark registration; and of course Min Min, it's say it's more "when" than "if" at this point - even if not for Ultimate.
    I kinda wish Sonic and Mario would cross over more. I think that having Sonic playable in Mario Kart wouldn't really ruffle many feathers, and it'd be a fun little cameo to have Mario-themed billboards in the background of a Sonic level or something small like that.
    Honestly I feel Wii U had better graphics than Ultimate. I'm a sucker for unrealistically bright hues - I loved Rehydrated's graphics for that reason.
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    Quite frankly, I enjoyed it but it needed a bit more in retrospect. A pastel~oriented style, perhaps!
    If you're talking Smash 4, I found the graphics sterile and not very engaging. The vibrancy in 64 and Ultimate are the correct direction to go for Smash imo.
    The YouTube channel RecD is turning into a bitcoin scam... like, it's actually kinda scary. His channel name and icon changed, a bitcoin live stream with chat disabled is on, with a massive amount of likes out of nowhere, most of his videos disappeared... like, how did this happen?
    It's a scam affecting multiple channels that disguises itself as a sponsorship deal. It happened to Vernias three weeks ago.
    I remember something about that.
    I love the fact Melee builds up Mr. Game and Watch as this legendary god among men. Like:

    Final unlock
    Final battle in All-Star Mode, with multiple clones joining him
    Trophies brag about copies sold, call him "a man of great stature" and states "his image is known far and wide, and respected by gamers everywhere"
    Neither All-Star mode, All-Star trophies, nor his congratulation screen use his alt costumes, as if his image is that of some sacred religious figure
    I get it, diversity is awesome - but can we PLEASE stop spreading this "Star Fox 2 human pilot is black" misconception? https://www.reddit.com/r/starfox/comments/ctdeoy/so_apparently_a_human_female_and_an_unknown_robot/

    Even if she WAS, isn't it better for diversity to just think "oh hey, a black character in a 1995 game, cool!" than to go full-on moe? like, a positive gay or trans character in a 90s or 00s game I could understand that reaction, same with a positive black character in a 50s or 60s movie, but having a black character in any media, while uncommon in the past, hasn't been controversial since... probably the Star Trek kiss in the 60s.
    Deleted member
    please tell me where this post, or even the comments implies the woman is black
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    No, I'm not talking about that post in specific, I'm talking about a recent Kotaku article, you should be able to find it with a quick search of "kotaku star fox human", I used that post as a reference to prove she's white as it seems to be getting buried.
    >being taken seriously enough to pay any attention to as a reliable source of news or anything else
    Even 4Chan makes fun of that site.
    I don't get where the idea of the Cuphead PS4 trailer being scary comes from. It's really cute IMO.

    Maybe apart from the "stuffing Cuphead full of hay" part, I could've done without that image.
    To me the problem with FE is the quantity, not the quality. If Everyone is Here wasn't a thing, multiple other series had the same amount of characters, or FE didn't get a high amount of newcomers in 3DS/Wii U Byleth probably would've been a decent reveal - but when FE, a mildly niche series that only really has a fanbase within the Nintendo community outside of Japan, has more characters than series like Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda and god damn SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, then it's a problem, and stripping Byleth of his sword or revealing him earlier the Fighters' Pass wouldn't change a little bit.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I don't really mean niche in the "EarthBound pre-Smash" or "Golden Sun" way, more that it wouldn't be instantly recognisable, if recognisable at all, to non-Nintendo fans.
    It'll happen eventually. Soon everyone will know FIRE EMBLEM! *maniacal laughter*
    These things are decided by corporate deals and profit, not by obscurity or lack of or Terry would never have been a thing. When you have a gatcha that's making money hand over fist then of course you would want to advertise it. Pleasing old fans isn't the worry, it's advertising to new fans.
    The worst thing about being British is the sense of guilt and dread over your ancestors' genocidal colonialism.

    The second worst thing about being British is having parents and teachers scold you for saying American slang. "I just wanna say aight, aight?"
    Little Mac mains are the biggest chads in Smash. Marth (or "inferior" clones in general) mains and (non-Sans) meme Mii mains come close too.
    So, they're making a Donkey Kong wall callendar for 2021, which might not seem notable if not for 2 things: 1. as far as I can tell they've never made a DK wall calendar before, and doing it now seems a little bit... well, suspicious is a bit too strong a word, but... telling, I guess?, and 2. King K. Rool, using his Paon render, is in the calendar, getting top billing for April, despite it being mostly themed around and using renders from the Returns duology.
    How long was it since the Game Freak behind the scenes video? because we've got new Drill Dozer content for the first time in ages: a placeholder badge in DP's beta.
    Kotaku posted an article stating for a fact the unused Star Fox 2 character is black because of her hair.

    If you just Google search "star fox 2 human" you'll find an earlier dumped spritesheet from almost a year ago featuring her with clearly white skin, right on the first row of results.

    I'm starting to understand why people hate that website.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Note: I reworded this to remove any potential racist connotation, and also add more detail.
    Anime in the PFP? your opinion matters
    Sonic in the PFP? your opinion matters
    FNaF in the PFP? your opinion matters
    Undertale in the PFP? your opinion matters
    Pride flag in the PFP? your opinion matters
    Jojo in the PFP? your opinion matters
    Ponies in the PFP? your opinion matters
    American flag in the PFP? no, your opinion doesn't matter.
    Polish Jerry in the PFP? no, just no.
    Link drinking coffee in the PFP? absolutely not.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Confederate flag in the PFP? Well the jury’s still out on that one... JUST KIDDING! Get the hell of the internet! Your opinion most certainly does not matter
    Business websites' articles on the Gigaleak: Look at the SNEAKY HACKER MAN, covered in SHADOWS and TYPING - be SCARED

    Gaming websites' articles on the Gigaleak: haha long yoshi
    Nothing embarrasses me more than my edgy teen self genuinely, unironically thinking the Gumball "SJW" scene was biting social satire.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I had to look up Crowder - yikes, what an a-hole. That being said, the juxtaposition of going through his Wikipedia article and finding the first thing listed in his filmography being The Brain in Arthur was pretty funny.
    Yeah his videos have a very sensationalist jock humor to them that can be very persuasive. I overlooked his abrasive personality because I like many mistook his crudeness as genuine passion which it was just in a different direction. The Author fact shocked me too showing that art does not always reflect life.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    He really is Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll.
    Something I just realised about the PS1 games library: when it came to platformers, the PS1 was more conventional compared to Saturn or 64 with more linear and sometimes even 2D games - that's because, just like with the rest of the PS1 library, they were appealing to the older audience who grew up with the previous generation's Mario and Sonic games! how did I never realise this?
    My personal theory on how Super Monkey became Yoshi's Island:

    Began as a Stanley game with DK and a monkey army as the villains, Rare pitched DKC, it was approved, having DK as the antagonist would be contradictory when a game starring DK as the hero is coming out at the same time, so instead of creating a new set of antagonists for Stanley to fight the game was reworked into a Yoshi game featuring existing Mario villains, and eventually evolved into something completely new.

    Don't take this as fact, just my theory.
    I think Kaptain K. Rool would work better as an echo or semiclone than an alt, the krown's hitbox wouldn't really work with a pirate hat.
    As iconic as King K. Rool is, I would trade him for Kaptain K. Rool in a heartbeat. I know they're the same character, but a default Kaptain K. Rool alt with a Kaptain K. Rool moveset would be more exciting to me than what we got. I love how K. Rool turned out in Ultimate with how his Specials and Smash Attacks reference his boss fights like the crown toss from DKC, Blunderbuss from DKC2, jetpack from DKC3, and boxing gloves from DK64. But Kaptain K. Rool with a Kaptain K. Rool fully inspired moveset would be more hyped for me.
    I can't find any old "Meta Knight for Smash" threads from pre-Brawl's reveal. I did find one for Diddy where a poster super accurately predicted how Diddy would act and play in Smash, but I can't find ANYTHING for Meta Knight, not even when I search "Smash 3" or "Melee 2" instead of "Brawl", or limit my search from 2001 to 2006. Did literally nobody want Meta Knight in Smash or something? I wanted to put a picture of a Meta Knight support thread, add the caption "be careful what you wish for" and send it some friends for a laugh.
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