Like Lunchlyposting, I know you're probably sick of Pigletposting even though I've only done it twice, but I find it funny to contrast Piglet's Big Game against the first game that (previously) came to mind for me in terms of surreal uncanny 6th gen licensed games: Nicktoons Unite - that game has a very similar vibe to Piglet, but Piglet was clearly intentional, and intelligently made at that, while Nicktoons very much appears to be a sloppy game where not everyone on the dev team (particularly sound design) had the same memo. Half of the game has no or illegibley quiet music, the rest is either boomingly loud but slow orchestral music or SpongeBob relaxation ukelele tracks, ambient sounds like footsteps and water droplets are set to max, each world has half of its runtime taken up by some kind of dungeon/factory/prison, and the character writing is weirdly joke-light. I'm not saying this game is scary, or even unsettling, even when looking it from a kid's perspective, just that it's kind of a surreal and off-putting game, and the fact nobody really talks about how weird it is is kinda strange since, unlike Piglet, this was a genuinely popular game that people still talk about regularly.
worst mistake of my life