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Brawl Character Match-Up chart

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Blue sHell

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Spread across toast
The Wario boards have all collaborated and discussed matchups and this is what we cooked up. We've changed them quite alot, but this here seems to be the standard as of right now(post Ness+Lucas chaingrab too).

This is just a rough draft of what I have on my guide where I have it broken into numbers.


*Know that this is not just my opinion, but the opinion of the Wario boards*

Bowser +
Captain Falcon +
Diddy Kong +
Ganondorf +
Ice Climbers =
Jigglypuff +
Link +
Lucario +
Meta Knight -
Mr. Game & Watch -
Ness +
Pikachu +
Pokémon Trainer: Squirtle +
Pokémon Trainer: Ivysaur +
Pokémon Trainer: Charizard +
Samus +
Sheik +
Snake +
Sonic +
Toon Link =
Zero Suit Samus+

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Fox vs Marth isn't even for the record.

The match itself is in Marth's favor. Marth outranges, overpowers, and has equal mobility to Fox. And Fox only has 2 gauranteed combos. Shine to W/e, and then jab set-ups, but those can be CCed to grab. Marth can death combo Fox and has plenty of other combos and set-ups. Like u-tilt to spike at the ledge and his CG. Marth can also Smash DI out of Uair.

No that match goes to Marth. It only goes to Fox on certain stages, namely Pokefloats. Maybe Rainbow Cruise too since Marth doesn't do too hot there either, but tneither does Fox. Both thier recoveries suffer on that stage.

Back on topic: Has anyone noticed that every singel board is convinced that their character has a good match vs Snake?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Back on topic: Has anyone noticed that every singel board is convinced that their character has a good match vs Snake?
Nah. They might have moments where they have an advantage (eg... air, off-stage) but they usually understate the ground game x.x;


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Back on topic: Has anyone noticed that every singel board is convinced that their character has a good match vs Snake?
Uhhh.... ROFL!

Olimar could do well on Snake. I don't know how the **** any Peach player thinks their match vs. Snake is good, though. And I haven't really gotten a good enough look at their opinions about Snake on other boards for characters I don't play, but I could see a lot of them being really funny...


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Ganondorf has an advantage over every character except peach metaknight and pikachu

hes that good


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
You know, the Ganondorf vs Sonic used to be a good matchup for Ganondorf.

Sonic: Honestly, while the speed can seem a little overwhelming at first, Sonic is actually pretty bad against Gannondorf. One of the lighter medium weights, so he is knocked out fairly easily. Sonic has you beat at the approach due to that insane speed, but if he stays close, you have him beat. Flame Choke, FTilt, and DSmash are all VERY effective. But if he does not stay close, or you want an easier time, draw Sonic into an air game. It seems like the only good aerials he has air his Fair and Dair. Sonic is vastly inferior in air, so if you can draw him into an air game, you can get him. Just use your aerials and your Aerial Wizard's Foot.
This used to summarize the match-up.

I had a few matches with some Ganondorf mains (Swil/Swoops, Flying Dutchman) and now it's kinda... reversed.

SH f-air beats flame choke and shield pokes, smashes are easily spaced/punished, jab can be punished from a distance, I outprioritized Aerial Wizard's Foot a few times with Sonic's D-smash, bouncing Ganondorf off the level without his double jump ... among other things.

Sonic's aerial game is underrated :x


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Yeah I remember. I looked back and its quite funny.
Sonic's aerial game is underrated because most peple get stuck on the idea of priority. but clashing won't happen often if the user plays defensively or sets the opponent up so that Sonic can outrange or attack outside the hitbox of the opponent.

I think the reason Sonic's Dsmash overpowers the aerial wizards foot is because it tends to hit it from the sides where the wizards foot has no priority.
I've done this with many characters where the opponents use an aerial wizard foot and I strike him from the side.
Works well.


Apr 10, 2008
Uhhh.... ROFL!

Olimar could do well on Snake. I don't know how the **** any Peach player thinks their match vs. Snake is good, though. And I haven't really gotten a good enough look at their opinions about Snake on other boards for characters I don't play, but I could see a lot of them being really funny...
yes indeed. I tried to argue my point in this thread, but no-one really commented. I can't see a jigglypuff user arguing for her...

DK vs. Olimar. DK SH Bair approach attacks from an angle which Oli has a hard time defending. Olimar is light, and get's KO'd eaily. Around 70%ish, and DK has not problem racking that damage on Oli. His tilts kill Pikmin easily, and he can beat Oli on the ground too. DownB outranges his grab. Bair outranges his aerials. Oli can kill DK fairly well, and since he can rack damage, it's not all bad. Personally I think this is a big advantage for DK, but I would be fine with a slight advantage for DK.
Could you explain a bit more? I'm very confused. Olimar thrives on all large characters no matter what approaches they have. pikmen throw alone is enough of a disadvantage for any large character to put them at a disadvantage against olimar overall. 6 pikmen can be thrown in under 3 seconds. DK is a very large target and doesn't have the speed to keep up with that many pikmen at once. simple. dk<olimar. It's not that complicated. ok, a quick barage of bairs at an angle. Olimar is weak at a angle? are you serious? I, personally, don't see any reason people are continuing to address this aspect in his ground game. Against DK's bair for instance, this is a fail proof way for olimar to get damage onto DK.

-Ok, assuming there isn't any pikmen on you and you get close enough for a bair to hit. you do a bair(at an angle)

-I throw a pikmen after the first bair(if you do another bair in the SH, you get shieldgrabbed, unlike with some other characters b/c of the pushback)

-you have two options.
1.)continue your assult on the spaceman. *and pikmen continue to eat your face*(bair doesn't hurt pikmen when they're latched to your body) =bad outcome for DK.

2.)stop to use an attack that kills the pikmen.

-Your nair kills the ones that aren't on your head, but in jumping, you put yourself at a disadvantage against olimar.(do i need to explain, or are we understood? I don't mind explaining)

-none of your aerials have hitboxes that envelope your whole body(none of them are surefire ways to get them off without any damage)

-your ground moves kill them sometimes. good choice? no, not good choice. you really don't have a choice. DK's punch is outranged and out-speeded( is there another word for that?)by Olimar's grab. Dk's fsmash is outranged and outspeeded by olimar's fsmash. groundpound you ask? this only affects the ground around DK. Am I correct? olimar can jump and throw pikmen which isn't affected by DK's downb at all. They'll chew you up.

I'm requoting so people can keep up with my arguments.
DK vs. Olimar. DK SH Bair approach attacks from an angle which Oli has a hard time defending. Olimar is light, and get's KO'd eaily. Around 70%ish, and DK has not problem racking that damage on Oli. His tilts kill Pikmin easily, and he can beat Oli on the ground too. DownB outranges his grab. Bair outranges his aerials. Oli can kill DK fairly well, and since he can rack damage, it's not all bad. Personally I think this is a big advantage for DK, but I would be fine with a slight advantage for DK.
~Points I've made so far~
-bair isn't a good approach versus olimar.
-DK's tilts and aerials aren't effective pikmen killers

ok, olimar is light, but I can argue that since olimar's moves outrange and outspeed all of DK's moves,(even his tilts) it is quite difficult for DK to land a hit on olimar.(as it is for bowser, ike, and snake to kill olimar, to name a few) For realistic purposes, I'm going to assume olimar messes up spacing, and Dk gets his fowardb in. Olimar is killed easily? hmm... You can kill him if you can hit his small spacesuit, I'll give you that, but olimar's enormous range troubles the large characters especially when it comes to killing.
-DK can kill olimar easily if he gets the hit in.

[Just a question for thought: How can DK rack easily? He's big and is outranged by olimar's moves moreso than other characters.]

bair does outrange olimar's aerials,(except upair and downair) but he doesn't have to be in the air very often unless he's recovering, does he?

Could you explain why Dk beats Olimar on the ground for me? That's a VERY bold statement b/c Olimar has a very tough ground game.(one of the best in the game)

~Points I've made~
-bair isn't a good approach versus olimar.
-DK's tilts and aerials aren't effective pikmen killers
-DK can kill olimar easily if he gets the hit in.
-bair outranges olimar's horizontal aerials, but not vertically.

I'm so sure if it's even a small disadvantage for DK. If I were to pick one, I'd say it's a large disadvantage especially for DK.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Ok this Ness vs olimar debate is getting kinda stupid, why not just give it time? if ness is really good against olimar then im sure people will eventually start counterpicking ness against me (this has yet to happen, usually they start with ness and switch :0 ) I know a pretty decent brawl player who mains ness, and he never picks him when playing me. Ive asked some good olimar players about the ness/olimar matchup as well and the consensus is that olimar dosent have a huge advantage on ness, but he does have an advantage.

As far as donkey kong goes... I played someone not to long ago that picked donkey kong, and they supprisingly beat me several times in a row, i had never played against donkey kong, and he packs a punch, if you arent carefull you can die rather easy. But after playing him a while he evetually had to stop using donkeykong against me because once i got used to playing against him, it was really no contest. It seems like alot of people have trouble with donkykong when they first play him, you dont know his moves very well and any mistake gets punished with his terribly hard hitting moves. I had the same trouble with ike when i first played him.

Wario, i play against a good wario regularly, and i agree with the even matchup.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Personally I say Olimar should automatically win against everyone.

He is so small they'll never hit him and the opponent will kill themselves out of frustration.

Just as they would facing sonic in New Prk City.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
Can someone clarify for me why DK is evenly matched with bowser..and why metaknight is evenly matched..in my experience..it's a hard matchup up, against both characters. DK has so much range..and multiple spikes, he's difficult to edgeguard, and he's much stronger and faster than bowser. And with metaknight..he has the tornado and the speed. Also has the disjointed hit box. If anything, both of those characters should have a small advantage on bowser.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
I was going to disregard most of this (I cut out a lot of useless quotes that dont need to be here), but I guess Im obliged to reply to other things.

I do too. I use other characters sometimes for fun, but I'd never visit other forums to discuss their advanced gameplay if I've never used them. I might point out one or two things in a thread somewhere if it pertains to something I've done though. Say...DDD-I've played him numerous times and I'm beginning to like his playstyle more and more. I posted in this very thread the matchup of DDD v Zelda. I wondered why it had zelda>DDD. I'm still not sure, but I'm not going to argue with my "opposition" over it indepth b/c I'm still not experienced enough.
But I have enough experience to argue this, so whats your point?
I understand he didn't push the point. I am though, and I think he had something going. It's not wrong or incorrect to quote him saying he's in the right if he was indeed in the right. The point I'm making is that it doesn't matter who made the quote as long as it's true.
"as long as its true"? So now his post is the truth?
If you're insisting on taking up his argument, then reply to my response I made to him.
And didnt you say you werent going to pull the experience card again?
You just did by saying you're going to push his point where he stopped.
You're right. I can't claim who is correct from who posted what, but from participating in the olimar threads for over a month nearly every day since brawl came out, I can merely suggest who and who can't make valid arguments regarding olimar. Go ahead and call me a nerd, that's why we're here.
Whether they can make arguments or not doesnt really matter, as none of them did this well (I'll get to that in a bit because you took the time to make a huge post) but what is really relevant is their experience in the matchup. Maybe someone who posted a small sentence about having trouble in the matchup has far more experience than rapid_assassin when it comes to the Mother Boys, despite him being able to make a proper argument. You can't claim that because someone can argue it means they have experience in the matchup.

Wait, wouldnt they be like me then? You shouldn't cite someone who doesnt have the most experience vs Ness.

You cant assume that a better known member knows the matchup better than another just because he has a record of being good at arguing.

ok, I will. I'll bring up every point you made that was picked apart by the experienced players in the matchup-even the points that don't influence the matchup.

First, I ignored the first quote of Rapid_Assassin, BECAUSE it didnt have anything to do with the matchup, and it was merely conjecture on his part to push forward that I may not have experience. He says he's had no trouble, but you cant claim that they were Ness/Lucas with similar skills. So whatever, quoting that did nothing; it's just randomly thrown in there.

Erm, how do you figure? Ok, Ness gets a red pikmin on him that makes it through the pillar. Ness is already out of your range if he's PK firing, so how do you plan to pivot grab, shield grab, usmash, or uair him if he's out of your range? His Nair is quick, and you'd have to approach to do anything, and Ness can just fair at that point. He isnt prone to any of your things when he's out of your range. Thats the point.

How close do you expect Ness to be when you're lobbing off pikmin? He can easily just drop a little more down, and then recover. You're pikmin throw has many blindspots for a falling Ness to take advantage of, and each pikmin is thrown differently, so you CANNOT assume you'll always get the trajectory right and get him. You can't assume you'll magically pluck out a yellow when you finally get him off stage and throw it perfectly.

On this note... In Brawl, the way it's set up is that if you get hit with something that sends you horizontally, you're also sent up, and you can DI up as well. This means that it's rare that Ness will have to use PKT to recover if you just smash him as hard as you can towards the edge. Thanks to this floaty engine, Ness can recover without using his PKT, in most cases.

And even if he has to, I already noted how hard it is to get him.

The argument for the pikmin gimps is really stupid, I believe. It's hard to do and it doesnt change the matchup.
Well, that's very situational, to say the least. Two white pikmin is pretty rare in itself.
What's stopping Ness from avoiding you when you do get a white pikmin, or the white pikmin is the next in the order? It doesnt take much to just be aware of the olimar's pikmin order. It's also obvious if he's purposefully trying to get only certain pikmin, or he's changing his order.

I think that scenario doesn't happen often enough to be considered.

I don't play Ness, and I don't play Olimar.
I do think Ness has the matchup advantage, though.
It's probably who you play, and how you both play that matters in your personal matchup.
If you're accustomed to play on wifi, then I can see Olimar having an easier time in that environment opposed to technical Ness or Lucas players.

Just my thoughts.
If you'd like to play the damage game, if Ness can get a PK fire to actually go off on Olimar, it can lead into a lot of things. Maybe another Pk Fire, Dtilts, Fsmash if they're bad at DIing, any of his aerials, an Usmash, or, most reasonable, his grabs. You can easily start of the match and get 50% if you score a solid hit with the PK fire.

This may occur as much as or more than your scenario. It isnt far fetched to be hit by a pk fire. If it's obvious, yeah, you can shield it, but it's certainly a viable tactic, such is yours.

And because Ness can approach safely, your grabs aren't going to see as much use as they may normally see. They're still going to be integral for the matchup, but Ness can space very well vs Olimar.

I don't main either one, correct, but I'm not clueless about how they play. My older brother plays Ness, and I'm friends with a pretty good Olimar. He gives my G&W a lot of trouble, but Ness seems to manuever easily whenever I watch them play. Before I started arguing Ness having the advantage, I asked a few people I know online about how they felt. One of the best Ness mains I know was shocked that it was listed as a major disadvantage vs Olimar, and he said it was neutral at the least, and he would personally give Ness the advantage.

I originally started arguing that Ness should be neutral, but part way through my original post, I looked more and more into how they both played against each other, and checked out a few properties of Ness' attacks. From what I was looking at, it seemed that Ness would be one of the very few who could successfully approach an Olimar.

I havent assumed the theoretical olimar sucks enough to be caught in all Ness has to offer, and I've really left it open to both sides. My main post dealt with what DanGR brought up, and I also dealt with how a Ness could reduce the effectiveness of Olimar's pikmin game. I havent brought up stupid scenario's like gimping Ness which is very situational, at least, I don't believe I have.

It's up to you guys to argue the good about Olimar. I'm bringing up what I know about Ness and how he can deal with the spaceman.

It really seems that you're implying I lack experience. It's not first hand, except for the basic things I tested in training (Like that with DI, Ness' Bthrow kills sooner than a blue pikmin throw, or the pikmin stopping properties of his attacks), but I'm not clueless.
You seem sort of dense.
Ok, the pikmin is on Ness.


I'm going to assume this is the range that you're at when you attempt to get the red on them. If you shield grab, where's Ness?

In the air using Nair. You just shielded and grabbed at nothing. It doesn't work.

and if Olimar goes for a pivot grab (wtf?)

You ran up and did a pivot grab... turning you around... wow...

the only thing that sounds viable is the hyphen smash, and thats still a shot in the dark. You're making a huge underestimation of the speed of Ness' Nair. It's about as fast as Luigi's nair. All the while he's doing this, Ness can move back or forward, or if he sees you going for a hyphen smash, why cant he just fair you?

This is assuming Ness made a SH Nair, which I see as the smart choice.

The Uair beats the Dair, but thats hardly worth noting. No Ness will be using the Dair except when he's going for the spike, OFF STAGE.
Ness' horizontal control is beastly, and he can move during the Nair easily, pulling to the side and punishing you're Uair (And why the hell would you do the Uair? The hyphen smash is asking to get punished in itself, so theres virtually no time that Ness can get hit by the Uair)

Hyphen Smash -> Uair is an awful move to try and pull vs a Ness SHing a Nair.
He can just Jab to knock the pikmin off.
The red pikmin doesnt set ANYTHING up for Olimar.

Theres a problem though.
Olimar has trouble killing,
whereas Ness has no problems killing.

When you get a good deal of damage on Ness, its no big deal.
It's dangerous when he gets you into killing range, though.

assuming he DI's backwards, he can do a Fair which is similar to his Nair in speed. You go for a dash grab and eat a fair. Ness has the better options regardless.

What I said was that Jab knocks off pikmin too.
Which implies he may not even decide to go in the air, and just punch the pikmin off.

According to Project Vertical, an uncharged Usmash from Olimar will kill Mario off the top nearing 100%. The problem though, is that DI is very powerful, and I can see Ness surviving until 150%. Though, I'm not sure of it and cant test at the moment,

Ness can kill earlier thanks to his Bair, assuming Olimar's near the edge. Plus, theres not too many openings for a random Usmash to get Ness, where he has a better approaching game and can get a variety of different kill moves on Olimar.

I'm ignoring this because it seems like the same argument. The tether is new, though, and you have a point about that, but an earlier post also suggests Ness may not need to recover with PKT as much as people think.

All you did was agree that PKfire can lead into things. You didnt bring up any pro Ness points, so I dont get it.

I refuted those because I felt they were wrong and the scenario didnt work the way you made it sound.

I'm not assuming Olimar is bad, and I dont know where you're getting that from. I am being a little extreme in some things, but thats all you can really do in an argument about matchups. If you're arguing for a small advantage, like I'm doing, work at it like it's a large advantage.

Im sorry to you Olimar mains. He's a great character (and hard to deal with :[ ), but I wasnt the one who brought this argument to your boards. I would personally prefer if this stayed in the matchup thread, but it didnt so now I'm arguing in YOUR section about him having a small disadvantage. I dont mean to sound like I'm dissing him. I'm just trying to get Ness where I feel he should be vs Olimar. It's hard being anything other than extreme or a little rude when I'm arguing with multiple people at once.

So, sorry :[
You keep mentioning reds... I thought yellow were the most important when battling Ness, as they're unaffected by the Fair and Dash attack. Red is only immune to PKF.

But on the ground, I think they're evenly matched, because of Ness' amazing yoyo!
Shield pokes, good range, and can punish rollers.
It also stops pikmin if timed.

Personally, I'd only WAC the deadly things, and airdodge the rest.
WAC does seem like a pretty **** good combo breaker.

And Ness' grab game is beastly enough to be noted in the ground game. He has one of the best dash grabs, and his grabs are pretty powerful all in all.
THERE. I quoted my replies to their "critical" points. None of my important points were shot down in the thread EVER. The quote string you posited made it seem that everyone was against me, yet it's clearly not the case. Rapid jumped in a few times and I ignored him for the most part, black waltz didnt show much knowledge of Ness, so we argued, and anything he attacked came out fine in the end.

Here, everything from http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=170702 regarding counter rebuttals to your points. I didn't take the time to quote your responses b/c anyone can visit the thread to see them. Many of them were major points including edge game and approaching.
And those major points were rebutted by me, which you left out.
My major points were approaching, the gimp is situational, and Ness' edgegame.
None of those quotes weaken any of these points, and I made a point to reply to the stuff I thought to be important. I ignored Rapid Assassin for the last quote as you had already moved back to this thread, and all he said was what me and Black_Waltz had already argued. So why the **** did you quote that?

Though many are very vague, this shows some of the opposition to you, Mr. E.
Opposition? BlackWaltzx threw in what he thought, and I replied.
Rapid_Assassin threw in some situational points, and I replied.
There wasn't any active opposition, EXCEPT from you.
When someone brought up something you said "YEAH!!"
and I replied, where you'd become silent.

The CG for instance.

Any opposition other than your own is in your head.

o, not correct. I hate to keep bringing this up, but it's vital that you have first hand experience versus olimar with ness. Many of your points throughout this discussion show that you have knowledge of the subject, but that you don't have experience.(I address this later as well, so hold in there) Yes, TL should aim arrows, and yes, a player can shield the arrows, but oimar's pikmen can't! you can shield them, but they keep coming. you can't keep it up for long before you have to move. If you choose to spotdodge, it doesn't work. They come too quickly for a sidestep to work. how about jumping and dodging-same thing. They come too quick for a player to just shield, sidestep, or airdodge them over and over-then kill. When you move, you give olimar the advantage. If you move back, olimar moves foward and repeats. So basically, in this matchup, you have to move towards olimar in the long run. correct?
I didnt say to perfect shield pikmin, I was replying to the TL scenario you brought up.
I have already shown how Ness can stop pikmin, if you dont remember.
And the whole point is that Ness should be getting close, while nullifying you're pikmin projectile game. To just dance in circles to avoid pikmin is not what I've said ever. I quoted the Ness/Lucas guide at one point to reaffirm what I was saying. Ness has to get close. I was providing reasons on how he got in close without relative harm.

Has this really gone over your head for so long?

the speed of pkt is rather slow actually. It takes about half a second to make a semicircle to propel ness foward. Is that fast? not really. The pikmen don't stop coming. If my pikmen are within range of ness, then they will land and ness' recovery will be gimped if he doesn't attack them.

The fsmash off the ledge is very reliable in if ness is out of range of pikmen throw. Do YOU know the range of a pikmen fsmash?(regular-blue) It outranges these notables:Zelda's fsmash, snake's ftilt, Bowser's fsmash, link's grab, and marth's fsmash. Anyone else care to try this out versus ness to prove my point?
You're wrong and you don't even realize it.
For the Fsmash to gimp the PKT, it has to hit the head of the PKT, not the tail. It has to hit during the very beginning of the move. Half a second does sound like a reasonable amount of time...

but that only works for the very first part of this move. So no, you dont have half a second to do this. You have even less time considering you may not be spaced right. Blue pikmin goes further, but what if thats the one you have when you're close to the edge? What if you're far and have any other pikmin? What if you're decently spaced but have purple? You have about half of half a second for it to be effective, taking into account the time for the pikmin to fall, and the inconsitency of the spacing and you get an unreliable tactic.

if ness' recovering from afar is situational, then yes, it is situational.
It's always situational no matter how you spin it. Up close, mid range, or far away, you cannot be consistent, as the pikmin are randomly pulled, depending on where Ness is, and where Olimar is when Ness gets knocked off.

You're obviously confused if you think the throw or the smash works often in a real match.

OH. And I just found out that Ness wont get gimped if he had already started PKTing and got a pikmin latched on him, any color. The gimp only works if you get the pikmin on first and THEN he uses PKT. If he uses PKT THEN a pikmin latches on, he's fine. Theres a very slime timeframe for this.

The gimp is unrealistic.

As you said earlier, ness has to nair in order to fight off the pikmen latched to his body. fsmash off the ledge to gimp his recovery will punish this. maybe I misinterpreted your statement b/c it seems you're arguing for my side.
No, I said Ness will only have to Nair (He can also do fair) if he gets one on him. This rarely ever happens in itself, and even if he does its not over. Plus, lets assume he's in range for the fsmash. The doesnt work, sorry.

Anyone else see the fallacy? you clearly made the statement in your argument that suggested that I argued "that you can just move around to rearrange your trajectory." I made no reference to whether you can move around to rearrange your trajectory. You went on to prove your point through things that I DID say rather than what you made up. That's a fallacy.
That quote chain is wrong because you cut out the rest.

Firstly, in the original post I went off onto why the gimp is unrealistic. I had already made my statements on the actual quote and I had moved on to discussing possibilities that someone arguing may bring up. I said you CANNOT argue this for so-and-so reason, I didnt suggest that you had actually brought up that point, I just noted that you cant bring up that point. It wasn't connected to the quote at all. Does it have to be?

I quote it as fact b/c it is fact and facts greatly impact any argument in general.
It doesnt work, It isnt a fact. Don't posit it as fact until it's accepted. I pointed out flaws with this, and how thats situational, so the least you could do is wait a bit before you use it repeatedly to fulfill your points.

Whoever said this doesn't play very smart. It's very bad to jump off the stage while throwing pikmen. You never specified who said it, thus naturally implying that I was the one who said it.
"Plus, olimar's dair can be used to spike ness from above. If all else fails, Olimar can fall into ness when he has to use his recovery, and gimp him that way"

thats a quote from you. You didnt claim to throw pikmin off (unless its in the thread but I dont feel like sorting threw it all), but you brought up the spike situation.


Never-the-less, it still doesn't belong in that paragraph. It's stronger. Does that support your evidence that ness has no disadvantage versus olimar recovering? It doesn't.

I'm beginning to sound like a professor teaching Law. Sorry. I'll quit with the paragraph structuring and fallacy criticism.
It does have relevance in this though. One of the things brought up was Ness' offstage game is stronger. Gimping him is unrealistic, where Ness gimping Olimar is far more common. Want to know how this fits in with offstage kills? Lets say Olimar is Bthrown of the edge. Olimar is at a high angle assuming he DI'd correctly. The things he has to do are as follows.

1: Drop down to tether.
2: Land down to stage/stage edge.

If he drops down farther for the tether this can be gimped. If he drops for the ledge, Ness can Dair him. This is how it fits in to the matchup.

The low range on olimar's purple pikmen(not compared to other characters, but rather to the other pikmen) is recognized by all olimar users. It won't be used to grab very often. Everything else has GREAT range and that's where I'm coming from that olimar's grab>ness' grab.
What i'm saying is that your grab range is inconsistent. You wont be able to choose the pikmin you use, and what if Ness falls into the right scenario for a grab? He's not going to wait for you to order your pikmin, so you're grab opportunity doesnt work in this one instance.

You cant choose when Ness will slip up into grab range, and having a chance of not working doesnt help any.

What we're arguing is this matchup, though. Olimar's grabs may be better and more important to his game (Ness also has grabs as an integral part of his metagame, though), but it doesnt matter as much if Olimar's grab is >>>> Ness' (it isnt) because the matchup isnt based on something like that. Maybe so and so has a better projectile than their opponent, but they could still have a bad matchup is what Im saying.

Ness' grabs and throws are amazing, though. You could at least acknowledge this.

Ness' upair beats olimar's spike, yes, but it shouldn't be used to combat spiking. In upairing while recovering, you're sacrificing your chance to recover. People don't spike when one has the option to attack back-THEN recover. People spike when their opponent only has the one option to recover. This eliminates the chance to recover and results in a death. yay!:)
Ness always has the option to attack and then recover due to the speed of his aerials. Ness can recover fine with PKT, so dropping down isnt a problem (he's floaty) because he can make it back up again. Tell me, since you're the one who brought up spiking in the first place, when will Olimar go for the spike vs Ness? I'm curious on how you'd go about doing this ;)

I'm not going to discuss why they're superior b/c that's your job. I did however compare the quickness.(aka speed)
Indeed it is, but why did your bring up those positive points when they really have little bearing on the matchup?

I explained a while ago why Ness' horizontal control helped give an edge for Ness in the matchup, but you've just thrown out how some of those are better without telling anyone why it matters vs Ness.

I'm not sure you understood me. I was just comparing the two bairs. not against each other. yes, olimar's bair would beat ness', but it's irrelevant like you said.
Ok, then why did you bring it up?
Ness' Bair is far superior in this matchup, so whatever.

It's not necesarily a "combo" finisher as we all know that real"combos" are very hard to come by, but it is very hard to avoid after these "combos" if the olimar player moves olimar correctly:
dthrow, upair
They're not really combos, but they are perfect for setting up for an upair.
Fair enough, but any Ness aware of these combo's can DI out of them. That can be said with a lot of things. Uair will see some use, but it doesnt do anything to give Olimar the advantage. If it was something like G&W's Dthrow -> Dsmash, then it would, but it doesnt.

So, if you can spike me to my death, you're better off just edgehogging instead.
I already touched on this. Ness has a well enough time spiking and a well enough time edgehogging.

The ONLY reason I'm pointing out your grammar mistakes and your inexperience in the matchup is that they greatly impacted your reasoning and they justified statements-otherwise untrue imo.
They dont reflect on the matchup, and you're an idiot if you truly take those things to heart. You claimed to not play the experience card, yet thats all you've been doing. You've been attacking the weak points, yet you havent even brushed on the most important thing in this matchup - Ness' approaches!

Their was only ONE fallacy, and that was on a very unimportant point. The rest you noted were false, and just pointless attacks on myself.

My statements were true without my backing, so you arent helping your cause by going at me.

I'm sorry this turned into a personal attack on you, I didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but it did in your eyes. Sorry everyone. Sorry Mr. Escalator.
It was pretty blatant.
And even this whole post was pretty much an attack at me rather than the matchup.
You STILL havent given any reason at all why Ness is greatly disadvantaged. You havent even gave reasons why he's even at a slight disadvantage.

I'd still like more people's opinion on whether personal experience should matter as much as second hand experience when discussing advanced matchups. Does anyone else get into detail without even using the character they're discussing? This will probably turn into another thread or somethin'.
Now you're trying to garner support from others to justify you're attacks at my experience.
Real smooth.


I'm hoping you finally take it to heart that you need to explain why a Ness player is disadvantaged.

Otherwise you're next post is unwelcome.


Ok this Ness vs olimar debate is getting kinda stupid, why not just give it time? if ness is really good against olimar then im sure people will eventually start counterpicking ness against me (this has yet to happen, usually they start with ness and switch :0 ) I know a pretty decent brawl player who mains ness, and he never picks him when playing me. Ive asked some good olimar players about the ness/olimar matchup as well and the consensus is that olimar dosent have a huge advantage on ness, but he does have an advantage.
What advantage is that, may I ask?
I'm not saying Ness is a counterpick character vs Olimar. I'm saying he's well off enough against him that the matchup is neutral.

And your personal experience with a ness player has no bearing. Is he dead even when it comes to skills between the two of you? And even so, there are so many factors that can influence your matchups that you shouldnt be using these as examples.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2002
South Bend, Indiana
Dan, thanks for the intelligent reply.

Now, onto the argument

Against DK's bair for instance, this is a fail proof way for olimar to get damage onto DK.

-Ok, assuming there isn't any pikmen on you and you get close enough for a bair to hit. you do a bair(at an angle)

-I throw a pikmen after the first bair(if you do another bair in the SH, you get shieldgrabbed, unlike with some other characters b/c of the pushback)

-you have two options.
1.)continue your assult on the spaceman. *and pikmen continue to eat your face*(bair doesn't hurt pikmen when they're latched to your body) =bad outcome for DK.

2.)stop to use an attack that kills the pikmen.

-Your nair kills the ones that aren't on your head, but in jumping, you put yourself at a disadvantage against olimar.(do i need to explain, or are we understood? I don't mind explaining)

-none of your aerials have hitboxes that envelope your whole body(none of them are surefire ways to get them off without any damage)

-your ground moves kill them sometimes. good choice? no, not good choice. you really don't have a choice. DK's punch is outranged and out-speeded( is there another word for that?)by Olimar's grab. Dk's fsmash is outranged and outspeeded by olimar's fsmash. groundpound you ask? this only affects the ground around DK. Am I correct? olimar can jump and throw pikmen which isn't affected by DK's downb at all. They'll chew you up.
DK's Bair approach is still viable, he has plenty of good options off a single SH Bair. True, you can pikmin toss after the first Bair, but DK still has several options. Let's explore a few.

-Bair, Bair. Like you said, a second Bair can be shieldgrabbed, but as a good DK will be mixing it up, this will still come into play. This will beat out most attacks, and Bair will clear any pikmin attached to his back, which is usually where they end up during a Bair approach, if they make it past the initial Bair.

-Bair, SideB works really well vs. Olimar. It floats above the ground, so it cannot be shield grabbed, if you try, you get buried. If you shield, >B eats shield very well. This option doesn't kill pikmin attacked to his back, but they should only have racked up somewhere around 10-15% in between the Bair and landing, and supposing Olimar is buried, the following Dsmash will kill the pikmin. This can also be Di'd to allow the >B to drift over and attack from the rear, negating shield grab. If it is blocked on the front and Oli's shield holds, DK can be shield grabbed.

-Bair, Uair clears off pikmin on his head, and also hits Olimar. Also, you can space this to land on the other side of Olimar, again avoiding shieldgrab.

-After the initial Bair, you can fastfall and tilt. Utilt works well here, as it clears pikmin.

-Bair, land on the other side with or without fastfall and jab combo. The 2nd hit of DK's jab combo clears pikmin.

-Bair, Punch. This beats out pretty much everything but grab. This can be shieldgrabbed however.

No, DK isn't going to escape without taking damage from pikmin. However, the goal isn't to get away unscathed, but rather to deal with the damage and attack Olimar in the process. I myself count on Olimar to stay put while I SH Bair, and mix up the above approaches on him. DK can stand to take quite a bit of damage, and after a few of these exchanges, Olimar usually has enough damage to be KO'd, or at the very least enough to put him off the edge where DK can keep him off. Meanwhile, I find Olimar still has to rack some more damage to DK to get the job done.

I'm requoting so people can keep up with my arguments.

~Points I've made so far~
-bair isn't a good approach versus olimar.
-DK's tilts and aerials aren't effective pikmen killers
I think I've established Bair is at least a decent enough approach for Olimar. I don't see where you made it clear that tilts weren't effective, but I've covered Utilt, which kills pikmin reliably, and Ftilt can block them as well.

ok, olimar is light, but I can argue that since olimar's moves outrange and outspeed all of DK's moves,(even his tilts) it is quite difficult for DK to land a hit on olimar.(as it is for bowser, ike, and snake to kill olimar, to name a few) For realistic purposes, I'm going to assume olimar messes up spacing, and Dk gets his fowardb in. Olimar is killed easily? hmm... You can kill him if you can hit his small spacesuit, I'll give you that, but olimar's enormous range troubles the large characters especially when it comes to killing.
-DK can kill olimar easily if he gets the hit in.
Yes, it is somewhat difficult to get a hit in. Difficult, but nowhere near impossible. DK's Dsmash is quick, quick enough to punish a whiff from Olimar, and kills on FD with no DI at 85%. Fsmash kills from the center of FD at just over 70%. Punch kills around 70%. SideB works well for jumping over grab or Fsmash and burying Olimar, giving a free Dsmash, so this kills at 70%. If you have time to charge it slightly, it kills about 50-55%. These are just KO's, not counting getting Oli off the side and edgeguaring him, where DK has a sizable advantage.

[Just a question for thought: How can DK rack easily? He's big and is outranged by olimar's moves moreso than other characters.]
Bair setups, UpB (invincible at the start and can easily do at least 15-20% at early damage, plus it kills pikmin), ground pound outranges his standing grab, tilts after spotdodging smashes/grabs. Also, DK doesn't need to rack massive amounts of damage. He just needs to build up 70% for a solid kill, which isn't that difficult.

Could you explain why Dk beats Olimar on the ground for me? That's a VERY bold statement b/c Olimar has a very tough ground game.(one of the best in the game)
Sorry, I should have worded that better. DK's ground game doesn't beat Oli's ground game. I was saying that DK can beat a grounded Olimar. Staying on the ground makes a tough match for DK, though his DownB outranges grab. Oli Fsmash can outrange all of DK's moves on the ground, but can also be easily jumped over/spot dodged/punch super armored.

[QUOTE~Points I've made~
-bair isn't a good approach versus olimar.
-DK's tilts and aerials aren't effective pikmen killers
-DK can kill olimar easily if he gets the hit in.
-bair outranges olimar's horizontal aerials, but not vertically.

I'm so sure if it's even a small disadvantage for DK. If I were to pick one, I'd say it's a large disadvantage especially for DK.[/QUOTE]

Point's I've made
-Bair is a decent approach with several followups capable of dealing with Olimar.
-DK can effectively kill pikmin with tilts. Utilt when they're attacked, Ftilt works while they're being tossed. Uair kills pikmin on DK's head, Bair kills on his body.
-DK has to build up ~70% to kill Olimar, and has a few options to finish.

Ok, so you've made some (debatable) points about how Olimar can deal with DK's offense. But what you've failed to point out is what Oli can do vs DK besides pikmin toss and shield grab. A little more insight into Olimar's strategy in this fight would be appreciated. I base my opinion on the few Olimars I have played, and watching match videos of him. I find that most Olimars tend to stay grounded and camp, which is what I've based my DK strategy vs. Olimar on.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Ness is only infinited by Marth and Charizard. I swear he was infinited by Squirtle, but I guess not. Ness still falls victim to Dedede's chain grab, though.
i heard you are supposed to walk a tiny bit with squirtle
btw ivysaur weak against squirtle? are you kidding me? ivysaur can kill squirtle with her U smash at 36% no charge. Razor leaf will provide an awful approach for squirtle, squirtle dies faster to grass attacks, ivysaur is the only one with grass types in the game, U-throw will probably kill squirtle at 70%. Squirtle's water based moves will not knock back ivysaur as much, the gimping will probably the deadliest part against squirtle, but that is can eaisly be shield grabbed if you play smart, but seriously, seeing how ivysaur just needs to land a bullet seed and she is already ready to kill squirtle, they actually follow from the game

Charizard loses against squirtle
ivysaur loses against charizard
squirtle loses against ivysaur.

why? the extra knock back that they have from their weakness, and the reduced knock back they have from their resistances.

and ivysaur >> fox in my opinion, any approach fox does can be countered by sheild, bullet seed. it is soo easy to do that, charizard is a punching bag compared for fox, and squirtle well, they both fight in the air, and pack punches so i would consider that neutral

the samething goes for squirtle vs charizard, the only draw back to squirtle is that he stays in the flamethrower longer, but that is nothing compared to the comboing and easy usmash and Dsmash fodder charizard is

falco vs squirtle, squirtle wins, squirtle can't be chaingrabbed by falco, and he can crawl under the lasers, squirtle has better air game than falco, and it would be pretty hard to spike that little turtle with falco.

and i'll just copy and paste this from another thread that i posted on

3 days ago i played a solid Lucarico player on SWR. I found ivysaur to be really helpful on lucarcio. Lucarcio just liked to spam baby aura spheres, so i just f tilted, and then he tried to approach from the air. i quickly saw this coming and started a BS. Now i can tell what way most people go, because if they are going left, i can see them moving a little left in my BS. so i prepared for either a UP +B if he jumped, or a hyphen smash if he wasn't. He didn't jump and i just hyphen smashed him and killed him at 70%.

lucarcio does have his strength in dodging, but the fact of ivysaur is that the most useful killing moves have a little bit of lag. F smash doesn't have that much lag. F-air as long as you auto cancel, and Up B SS doesn't have that much lag too. U-air and U-smash are the laggiest, but usually if you hit them, they are probably going to die.

The other thing about lucarcio was that if i tried to U-air him, he would D-air me, so basically that wasn't even worth it. Grabs had a huge impact on lucarcio, nice length and sent him and helped out with combos, for some reason, ivysaur, who normally is tied with charizard, was doing better than my squirtle, and far better than charizard, who i am not a slouch at. Ivysaur needs to play a lot of mind games with lucarcio. The most annoying thing i found about lucarcio was his sheild grab. He sheild grabs me and does a back throw and this is at the edge so i just go flying horizontally.

Though the main reason why i owned lucarcio was basically gimping. When lucario tried to do his Second jump, he would use his aura spheres, only 1 or 2, but i had razor leaf so they cancelled each other out, and i sent more coming at him, and 1 hits him as he does his 2nd jump. i quickly run down, and up B, and lucarcio is out of luck


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
3 days ago i played a solid Lucarico player on SWR. I found ivysaur to be really helpful on lucarcio. Lucarcio just liked to spam baby aura spheres,

Though the main reason why i owned lucarcio was basically gimping. When lucario tried to do his Second jump, he would use his aura spheres, only 1 or 2, but i had razor leaf so they cancelled each other out, and i sent more coming at him, and 1 hits him as he does his 2nd jump. i quickly run down, and up B, and lucarcio is out of luck
sounds like a pretty un-solid lucario to me, its a hell of a lot harder to edgehog lucario than it seems when he can float so far. fyi, lucario can drop off the edge of smashville and go under the stage to the other side (dont compare this to marth or someone, i said drop off the edge, not get knocked up and have 3 seoconds to charge neutral b or something), thats how floaty he is and how far his recovery goes. anyone who get edgehogged really has no idea what theyre doing.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Fearmy said:
3 days ago i played a solid Lucarico player on SWR. I found ivysaur to be really helpful on lucarcio. Lucarcio just liked to spam baby aura spheres
Sigh, two things wrong with this. Most good Lucario's wont spam spheres, second, don't tell me you're going to judge all Lucario's based off of one player, no matter how good he is.

Fearmy said:
]i quickly saw this coming and started a BS. Now i can tell what way most people go, because if they are going left, i can see them moving a little left in my BS. so i prepared for either a UP +B if he jumped, or a hyphen smash if he wasn't. He didn't jump and i just hyphen smashed him and killed him at 70%.
Airdodge Or double team(Lucario's counter) renders this theory useless?

Fearmy said:
Ivysaur needs to play a lot of mind games with lucarcio.
If anything this gives Lucario an advantage.

Fearmy said:
Though the main reason why i owned lucarcio was basically gimping. When lucario tried to do his Second jump, he would use his aura spheres, only 1 or 2, but i had razor leaf so they cancelled each other out, and i sent more coming at him, and 1 hits him as he does his 2nd jump. i quickly run down, and up B, and lucarcio is out of luck
Although I think you played the game well against this opponent, I really feel like I have to argue this point in particular. Now, your edgehog idea IS probably one of your best options, but still has some flaws. Maps like smashville, battlefield ect, if Lucario is too low, he wont get back, ok that's legit, but it's still an ordeal to get them that low to begin with without a spike since Lucario is extremely floaty. On top of that map's like Frigate, Final Destination, Yoshi's something (the one with walls), Pokemon Stadium ect, gives Lucario the option to cling to a wall, then wall jump back up. Also, most Lucario's wont shoot multiple baby spheres at you, it gives you backwards momentum. If anything they'd charge one on the way or have one fully/almost fully charged one to throw, if they chose to throw it at all.

Also I have to say, Ivysaur is easier to gimp off the edge then Lucario expesially when fighting a Lucario. Lucario throws, fsmash or whatever's Ivy off the edge, Ivy can jump and upBtether. Lucario can simply wait on the edge, then SH > dair (almost instantly) Ivysaur before her vines pull her to the edge's invincibility frames or better yet Lucario can aim/curve an upB across the ground to grab the edge and just wait for the tether's to miss.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
There's a BIG problem with this chart that I just realized.

It's often being quoted to justify tier placements. Inevitable innaccuracies aside, Pokemon trainer is really screwing up the results. Why? because he's getting judged as 3 separate matchups only. Any PT player has to be profecient i all his pokes because, unlike Zelda/Shiek and Samus/ZSS, PT is FORCED to switch his pokes. As such, he has to play at least two of them in almost all matches.

For the matchups to be far more accurate, PT's pokes need to be taken out of the list (you should put them in their own list at the bottom or something)

And PT nees to be put in. I'd take the average of his two best matchups to accurately reflect how he stacks up

In the event that it falls in between ratings (i.e. the best two matchups are slight advantage and neutral) round up because the advantaged poke can be used for 2/3 the battle.

This is unless that advantage is VERY slight, in which case you should probably round down
You make a good point. Pokemon trainer needs to be considered one character for a tier list but for matchups it is best to have him separated. Each Pokemon has different strengths weakness and matchups that need to be accounted for whether or not they stay as one pokemon or not is moot point. Matchup chart shows who will have the advantage over another character. It doesn't really matter how long they have that advantage as the case with pokemon trainer, but whether they have it or not. Besides separating Pokemon trainer into three characters cause minimal damage. At most a character can get three favorable matchups against them, although that seems unlikely due to their vast differences. Some characters will be able to destroy one pokemon but not another thus they get a bad matchup versus that pokemon. If the matches were limited to 2 minutes than pokemon trainer would have the advantage the whole time depending on which pokemon he started with.

I think the real problem is that there are so many debates going on about who is better than who. What if this character did that? What if this character messed up this? I never have a problem with so and so. The list goes on and on. I guess people don't like accepting that their character either isn't good or has one bad matchup.


Apr 10, 2008
Squirtle does't infinite Ness period.
squirtle doesn't inifinite grab ness, but he does edge finite grab ness.

DK's Bair approach is still viable, he has plenty of good options off a single SH Bair. True, you can pikmin toss after the first Bair, but DK still has several options. Let's explore a few.

-Bair, Bair. Like you said, a second Bair can be shieldgrabbed, but as a good DK will be mixing it up, this will still come into play. This will beat out most attacks, and Bair will clear any pikmin attached to his back, which is usually where they end up during a Bair approach, if they make it past the initial Bair.
It can mix up your attack, but it can still be grabbed easily. Olimar users look for chances to grab more than any other attack they have.(mostly) I just don't feel double bair is viable.

-Bair, SideB works really well vs. Olimar. It floats above the ground, so it cannot be shield grabbed, if you try, you get buried. If you shield, >B eats shield very well. This option doesn't kill pikmin attacked to his back, but they should only have racked up somewhere around 10-15% in between the Bair and landing, and supposing Olimar is buried, the following Dsmash will kill the pikmin. This can also be Di'd to allow the >B to drift over and attack from the rear, negating shield grab. If it is blocked on the front and Oli's shield holds, DK can be shield grabbed.
bair, sideb does work sometimes. As an olimar main, I'm pretty good about shielding properly though. You have to assume your opponent will too. yes? If the first bair is shielded, a sideb followup can be expected. right? A simple spotdodge into a grab can punish it. So it is viable though.

-Bair, Uair clears off pikmin on his head, and also hits Olimar. Also, you can space this to land on the other side of Olimar, again avoiding shieldgrab.
upair has enough lag on the fall of a SHbair to get punished by a dsmash easily (if missed of course) and DK lands on the otherside. Olimar's dsmash is very good against opponents who choose to land behind him. It can still be an option to mix up his approach though.

-After the initial Bair, you can fastfall and tilt. Utilt works well here, as it clears pikmin.
The problem with this is if you land and use any attack close to olimar without actually hitting him, it's punishable with a variety of different moves. His most notorious being his fsmash, but smarter olimar players will dtilt or dthrow to begin "combos" to rack up damage.

-Bair, land on the other side with or without fastfall and jab combo. The 2nd hit of DK's jab combo clears pikmin.
You're right, it clears pikmen, but is it worth it to jab and try to hit olimar in this situation?(while the pikmen eats DK) If you miss or get interrupted with a shield, it's not worth the try. If you get the hit on him, then yes it's worth it. A grab, in some instances, would probably be better for DK after bairing and landing behind olimar rather than risking olimar shielding the jabs.

-Bair, Punch. This beats out pretty much everything but grab. This can be shieldgrabbed however.
right, no beef here.

No, DK isn't going to escape without taking damage from pikmin. However, the goal isn't to get away unscathed, but rather to deal with the damage and attack Olimar in the process. I myself count on Olimar to stay put while I SH Bair, and mix up the above approaches on him. DK can stand to take quite a bit of damage, and after a few of these exchanges, Olimar usually has enough damage to be KO'd, or at the very least enough to put him off the edge where DK can keep him off. Meanwhile, I find Olimar still has to rack some more damage to DK to get the job done.
this is true for DK(just as it is for bowser, ike, and DDD) that if he can get enough hits onto Olimar to make the failed attempts worth it. I just see it as unlikely for most of these approaches to work. It's very arguable though.

I think I've established Bair is at least a decent enough approach for Olimar. I don't see where you made it clear that tilts weren't effective, but I've covered Utilt, which kills pikmin reliably, and Ftilt can block them as well.
it can be decent if you mix up his bair followup game quite a bit also.

In my mind, I see any moves not directed at olimar as advantageous for him. The slightest lag on his opponent's moves set them up for combos, and KO's. This is a very important aspect to Olimar's play-capitalizing on moves not directed at olimar. The range on his projectile, and his grab allows him to punish correctly.

Yes, it is somewhat difficult to get a hit in. Difficult, but nowhere near impossible. DK's Dsmash is quick, quick enough to punish a whiff from Olimar, and kills on FD with no DI at 85%. Fsmash kills from the center of FD at just over 70%. Punch kills around 70%. SideB works well for jumping over grab or Fsmash and burying Olimar, giving a free Dsmash, so this kills at 70%. If you have time to charge it slightly, it kills about 50-55%. These are just KO's, not counting getting Oli off the side and edgeguaring him, where DK has a sizable advantage.
This is all assuming olimar doesn't keep his spacing properly and DK closes in properly? If so, then yes, DK should be able to kill olimar decently. If not, Olimar is quicker and can maneuver around the bigger characters in brawl easily and continue to throw pikmen to setup for even more damage if killed while not attacking olimar. This is, if olimar can space properly though. I don't see DK as being able to close in on characters that partly rely on their range game to beat bigger characters. He can force the issue on some select characters without a great range game like olimar has, but overall(imo) I don't think DK can take it. He has his approaches and all, but many of them are avoidable by simple dodges and roll dodges.(ex. being bair, sideb-can be avoided by shield, spotdodge; bair, jab-avoided by rolling.)

Bair setups, UpB (invincible at the start and can easily do at least 15-20% at early damage, plus it kills pikmin), ground pound outranges his standing grab, tilts after spotdodging smashes/grabs. Also, DK doesn't need to rack massive amounts of damage. He just needs to build up 70% for a solid kill, which isn't that difficult.
I think I clearly addressed some of the problems with some of these. correct?

Sorry, I should have worded that better. DK's ground game doesn't beat Oli's ground game. I was saying that DK can beat a grounded Olimar. Staying on the ground makes a tough match for DK, though his DownB outranges grab. Oli Fsmash can outrange all of DK's moves on the ground, but can also be easily jumped over/spot dodged/punch super armored.
In reality, if a grounded olimar stays grounded and doesn't move very often, the DK will most certainly win, as will most character. The combination of his pikmen throw, shield grabbing, grab range of his pikmen, range and speed on smashes, and his great aerial game, and his VERY underrated approach game(to mix it up) is enough to give olimar the advantage in this matchup, i feel.

Ok, so you've made some (debatable) points about how Olimar can deal with DK's offense. But what you've failed to point out is what Oli can do vs DK besides pikmin toss and shield grab. A little more insight into Olimar's strategy in this fight would be appreciated. I base my opinion on the few Olimars I have played, and watching match videos of him. I find that most Olimars tend to stay grounded and camp, which is what I've based my DK strategy vs. Olimar on.
Most olimars will stay grounded. They'll also throw pikmen and shieldgrab like you mentioned. Olimar players also SHfairs more than people realize. It has great priority and makes a GREAT approach for those times when olimar is near the edge. The general consensus around the boards is that all olimar does is camp and throw pikmen and wait for people to come get him. They attack, either successfully or get shieldgrabbed. It's very bad to assume olimar players will continue to do this. Did you know that everytime you hit the pikmen, you refresh your moves? This should be enough to get every olimar main to throw pikmen and follow up by either grabbing, fairing, throwing more pikmen, fsmash, or even tilts(occasionally if they space wrong) Not just let olimar's opponent keep trying to fend them off.(unless the pikmen can get enough damage to make it worthwhile. It forces olimar players to attack after throwing. Your job, when fighting olimar, is to somehow attack olimar as he and his pikmen attack you. This is what it all boils down to. This is just about the only variety that olimar players get: choosing how and when to either approach and evade attacks while throwing pikmen to taunt their opponent.

Another thing I'd like to point out is olimar's textbook combos v large character. The most basic being the first one. These are much easier to carry out on the larger characters b/c their hitboxes are easier to hit with the following.:

dthrow, upair or fair

grab,dthrow, fair, ff,grab,dthrow,ff, hyphen smash, upair, upb(low percentage to rack damage. after the second ff, it's possible to DI out of it, but that invites another grab dthrow, fair or upair combo.

uptilt, upair, upb(this is great for juggling large characters. It's one of olimar's many moves that keep his opponent airborne.)

nair, upair or fair, upb(depending on DI)

dtilt,dtilt,upair(it's basically only at low percentages, but dtilt can always be used until about 100%? to combo into an upair.

@Mr. Escalator- I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to waste your time if you had other matchups to talk about. I can certainly continue our discussion if you wish, but I don't feel we're making any progress. It turned into flame wars, not an intelligent discussion about the matchup. I think it'd be better if we just waited for other people's input on the matchup. As for me, I've now got my hands full with DK v Olimar as I'm pretty sure Olimar>DK.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
You're right DanGR. At this point neither of us are getting anywhere xP
And you've started on another matchup, so I understand.
We'll postpone it for the time being.

I doubt we'll get another person's input anytime soon, but maybe we can work out where the two of them really fit next time. It seemed to be a little too hectic, where we were both citing out of thread and in thread and etc. Next time we'll start from a clean slate with Pro's and Con's vs each and I'll only focus on the main points, or I'll at the very least try.

There are a few matchups that I'll take an interest in, but I'll give myself a break for now. I might give my input on the G&W matches, but they seem decently placed.

Good luck with your current matchup!

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
important enough to repeat:

shiek has a pretty sizable advantage against all space animals.

Fox, Falco and Wolf can all get caught in he FTilt and can't escape until >90% damage. and it csan combo into an Fsmash, Usmash or Dsmash for in instant 0-death combo.

change that on the chart <_<

http://youtube.com/watch?v=F82clXzuxTo <- this is innescapable


Shiek >> Fox

Shiek >> Wolf

Sheik >> Falco

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Is that really impossible to DI out of? If you've tested it, does it get out faster in one direction than another? Does one character get out at lower percents? Does it matter where they were hit?

I also noticed him fox firing, so Iunno.

It does seem to mke sense with the move getting diminished, but it's worth some more testing. A big disadvantage is serious business!


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Sigh, two things wrong with this. Most good Lucario's wont spam spheres, second, don't tell me you're going to judge all Lucario's based off of one player, no matter how good he is.

Airdodge Or double team(Lucario's counter) renders this theory useless?

If anything this gives Lucario an advantage.

Although I think you played the game well against this opponent, I really feel like I have to argue this point in particular. Now, your edgehog idea IS probably one of your best options, but still has some flaws. Maps like smashville, battlefield ect, if Lucario is too low, he wont get back, ok that's legit, but it's still an ordeal to get them that low to begin with without a spike since Lucario is extremely floaty. On top of that map's like Frigate, Final Destination, Yoshi's something (the one with walls), Pokemon Stadium ect, gives Lucario the option to cling to a wall, then wall jump back up. Also, most Lucario's wont shoot multiple baby spheres at you, it gives you backwards momentum. If anything they'd charge one on the way or have one fully/almost fully charged one to throw, if they chose to throw it at all.

Also I have to say, Ivysaur is easier to gimp off the edge then Lucario expesially when fighting a Lucario. Lucario throws, fsmash or whatever's Ivy off the edge, Ivy can jump and upBtether. Lucario can simply wait on the edge, then SH > dair (almost instantly) Ivysaur before her vines pull her to the edge's invincibility frames or better yet Lucario can aim/curve an upB across the ground to grab the edge and just wait for the tether's to miss.
just read yoru posts, i come to the conclusion that the lucarcio player really sucked, my bad

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Is that really impossible to DI out of? If you've tested it, does it get out faster in one direction than another? Does one character get out at lower percents? Does it matter where they were hit?

I also noticed him fox firing, so Iunno.

It does seem to mke sense with the move getting diminished, but it's worth some more testing. A big disadvantage is serious business!
and a 0-death combo is good enough to do so right?

I never play the space animal part of that matchup so I don't know... I think you have ONE chance to airdodge out of the first Ftilt. But, after that, you are locked until about triple digits. And it combos into ALL of shiek's smashes.


Apr 10, 2008
You're right DanGR. At this point neither of us are getting anywhere xP
And you've started on another matchup, so I understand.
We'll postpone it for the time being.

I doubt we'll get another person's input anytime soon, but maybe we can work out where the two of them really fit next time. It seemed to be a little too hectic, where we were both citing out of thread and in thread and etc. Next time we'll start from a clean slate with Pro's and Con's vs each and I'll only focus on the main points, or I'll at the very least try.

There are a few matchups that I'll take an interest in, but I'll give myself a break for now. I might give my input on the G&W matches, but they seem decently placed.

Good luck with your current matchup!
thanks for understanding. good luck to you too.

and a 0-death combo is good enough to do so right?

I never play the space animal part of that matchup so I don't know... I think you have ONE chance to airdodge out of the first Ftilt. But, after that, you are locked until about triple digits. And it combos into ALL of shiek's smashes.
Seeing that there's no big check for the IC on every character,(which I think should be there. It's totally absursd to say that you can't get grabbed in a match.) I'd say IvanEva doesn't account for 0-death combos.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
It is, but I want to make sure it isn't a big phony like the infinite "every" character had on Ness/Lucas. If theres very little you can do, then I agree with those changes. Just some looking into should be done.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
It is, but I want to make sure it isn't a big phony like the infinite "every" character had on Ness/Lucas. If theres very little you can do, then I agree with those changes. Just some looking into should be done.
Utilt sends you slightly up, their fastfalling is what screws them if you try to DI back, shiek can move with you while Ftilting. you can;t DI forwards I don't think.

Most characters have to DI up to get out, but I don't think space animals can because of fastfalling.

Regardless, if they manage to DI to the edge before 90% damage, shiek can still cut its losses and smash early. It's still LOTS of free damage.


Apr 10, 2008
Why the crud is MK>Captain Falcon? This whole chart is screwed up.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
There are a lot of Wario Matchups that I would like to go over:

Wario has the advantage over Ike. Wario can gimp Ike pretty easy most of the time and Ike has a hard time keeping Wario from effectively pressuring him.

Wario and the IC go pretty even. Most Wario and IC mains will agree with me when I say that the match depends mainly on whether or not Wario separates them before they can do too much damage. If Wario separates them quickly, then he has the advantage, but if he doesn't separate them then they have the advantage.

Wario has the advantage on Lucas. Wario has some release grab tricks on Lucas that basically give Wario free damage. Lucas has a good bait game for Wario but the Release grab stuff makes it more in Wario's favor.

Wario has the advantage on Pit, Pikachu, and it is pretty even for Olimar and ROB. I can go more in depth for those matchups in another post or I'll have another Wario Main discuss them in my place.

Wario definitely has a disadvantage against Falco. Lasers and his CG are a threat against Wario and he has a hard time dealing with Falco.

Wario is at a disadvantage against Luigi and has an advantage over Mario. Luigi has a lot of aerial priority and his nair can end most of Wario's hopes for air combos. Mario however doesn't have a good combo stopper and his recovery is arguably worse than Luigi's, which makes him a probable victim of edgeguarding.

There are a few more matchups that I think should be revised but I'm pretty tired and don't feel like discussing them at the moment, maybe tomorrow. Basically:



Apr 10, 2008
Wario has the advantage on Pit, Pikachu, and it is pretty even for Olimar and ROB. I can go more in depth for those matchups in another post or I'll have another Wario Main discuss them in my place.
Could you give a quick summary of Wario v Olimar a little? I'm not too aware of this weary matchup...


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
"Aura spheres aren't very effective and its very easy to get in his comfort zone. Lucario has the best side dodge in the game, but Wario has the best air mobility. So really, changing your mind about where to go midair and still attacking a rolling Lucario, isn't hard. Not a huge advantage though." That's an excerpt from the Wario guide that I think covers the Spheres and rolling.

Lucario has the dair, which can stop a lot of Wario's combos, but Wario could just bait a dair and counter it after it is done. Edgeguarding is about the same for both characters but I would say it is easier for Wario since Lucario's recovery is easier to gimp. I think that if Wario can kill Lucario at a reasonable % then Wario has the advantage. If Wario let's Lucario live up to a high %/can't land a killing blow on him, then Lucario has the advantage.

Kirby has some grab combos, pretty decent range and priority on a few moves, and a pretty solid recovery. Other than that, he really doesn't have many strong points. He is light, which makes killing pretty easy for Wario. His small size doesn't affect Wario's ability to hit him too much. Although his recovery is pretty decent, he can still be gimped by Wario while Kirby usually won't be able to gimp Wario. Kirby can have a rough time with landing a kill move on Wario and Wario's heavy weight doesn't help Kirby there either. I don't think that Wario dominates Kirby or anything but he does have the advantage IMO.

Edit: I'll add Olimar and ROB here as well.

Olimar has insane range and priority on most attacks. He has some very powerful attacks and is annoying to approach. His Pikmin toss can be another nuisance to deal with. With that said, once you get him into close combat, he struggles against Wario. He is very vulnerable when he is above Wario and when he gets attacked without Pikmin to support him. Wario has a few attacks that just absolutely destroy Pikmin if they aren't closely following Olimar. Olimar is light and his recovery is almost always easy to gimp. Wario excels at edgeguarding people and Olimar is no exception. Wario has what it takes to make the matchup even, but not enough to secure himself a real advantage.

Rob and Wario both have a lot of stuff going for them in this fight. For every advantage one of them has, it seems like the other has one that counters/can compete against it (ROB's Projectiles vs Wario's Dodging abilities. Wario's Edgeguarding vs ROB's Recovery. ROB's range and priority vs Wario's close combat. etc etc.) I think that whoever gets into their element first should have an advantage.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2007
Lemon County, CA
I don't think that Donkey Kong has an advantage over Meta. As a DK player, I can beat some MK users, but most of them, the high level players who use MK just overwhelm DK with speed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Marth's shield breaker allows him to have a great appraoch that can abuse DDD's defensive game. As D3 has the ftilt, Marth has the shield breaker. DDD has to rely on Chain throws for racking up damage when marth's aerials outrange DDD's grab range. Also DDD's multijumps are small and predictable, and marth's bair edgeguards can stop DDD from getting back to the stage(so DDD gets easily KO'ed at fairly high %(80-100%) by marth's edgegame), but when DDD's b-up is used, thats when marth has to back off. DDD can camp with the waddle dees, yet once again the shield breaker or SHFF fairs or nairs gobble them in priority. I see the match 6:4 for marth, someone please tell why this match is even
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