This is pretty much the cycle of this thread.
How to nerf Sheik > How to buff certain characters just because > Worse character in the game > Tier list that spark arguments sometimes > Talk about character that does something cool > Repeat
In regards to this, I believe one of the biggest reasons that causes this is simply because of just how many characters in the game there are.
People have a good idea on who's top, and also have a good idea on who is bottom. But when it comes to the middle part of the cast? Conversations that revolve around this tend to be a mess of debates, bias, and lack of information/experience with said characters
And quite honestly, I don't blame people because of that. After all, we are debating the matchups of
55 different characters. Which is really absurb when you consider how many actual matchups that includes. And this becomes even more of a problem to try to decipher when you throw in how this is the most balanced game in the series, along with balance patches. Even the most knowledgeable of players, such as ZeRo, will make many mistakes/assumptions in regards to the how characters function and their overall comparative viability simply because it is way too much knowledge and information for almost anybody to take in.
So how are we to address this, if our current conversations simply aren't working as well as we want them to? Our best bet would probably be trying to find a different solution to try to reach this topic's goal.
Something that @
GeneralLedge (?) said a few pages back sparked my interest. In his post, he raised the question about how, instead of trying to tier characters based on their immediate viability in comparison to other characters, why not try to tier characters based upon how they play? Such as tiering zoning characters, rushdown characters, and etc. Tiering characters based upon their strengths and weaknesses, and then using that to eventually determine how they stack up to the other characters. This is something that I believe will allow us to form more cohesive discussions in regards to specific character matchups and how viable the characters are in comparison to the rest of the cast, as opposed to us repeating the same processes of sifting through pages and pages of debate that seem to have no end. And these pages are filled with clutter such as overly extensive amounts of balance patch wishes, tier lists, specific character "propaganda", and other distractions.
Now, you could tier characters based off of things such as "damage output", "footsies", "recovery", "KO Potential", "mobility", and all that jazz. And that would be fine for the most part. However, that could also spark issues/debates on how there would be too many elements to try to factor in, or even the inverse of that in which people could complain about the lack of a certain aspect not being factored in. So this method could cause a bit of confusion and derailment on its own, unfortunately.
However, there is a way for us to look at the game's matchups in their most simplistic and purest form, thankfully. And that would be a character's advantage, neutral, and disadvantaged states.
If we were to focus our efforts into finding how the characters compare to eachother using these three statistics, and make a comparative list for each state (or giving a numerical value/etc to represent how that character preforms in that state overall), we could potentially use this information to have a better understanding on the most likely probabilities on how matchups in the game play out.
As an example, lets try to approach this method by giving characters a value to represent how they preform in each category. Let's say...stars, maybe? Idk. But for now, lets roll with that. Now, here's an example of how I would value a character's three states:

Advantage: ★★★
Neutral: ★★★
Disadvantage: ★★★
Note that this doesn't actually represent how I feel about Pit (...well it kinda does but moving on for the sake of the discussion), but it does give an example on what I am going with. Using this, we can immediately tell that Pit is a well-rounded character. Let's say that 5 stars is the maximum value you can give a character. But what about minimum value? Let's look at another character:

Advantage: ★☆
Neutral: ★
Disadvantage: ☆
The minimum value would be represented with a hollow, or "half" star. Also, this example
seriously doesn't represent how I feel about Robin. I'm pretty unknowledgeable when it comes to Robin. It is just an example, lol
What do these stars mean, you ask? Well, there's two ways we could go about adding "value" to these stars (Or potentially more? I'm only going to cover two though). The first being how there's 55 characters in the roster. What I mean by this is that the stars could relate to how a character preforms in that area in comparison to the rest of the cast. A single ☆ could mean that the character is in the bottom 10 of the roster. So 55th place to 46th place. ★ could mean that they are in 45th to 41th place. ★☆ would be 40th to 36th place. All the way to ★★★★★, which would mean that a character is somewhere between 5th to 1st regards to that particular statistic anyways.
The second method would be sectioning up each state into different categories. For example:
Advantaged State:
- Damage Output. Includes combo potential.
- KO Potential. Includes KO Confirms.
- Frame advantage. Includes startup frames, and endlag.
- etc
Of course, the problem with this method would be what I mentioned earlier. In regards to how many categories would be included (for each state). This would affect the values/amount of stars, could cause different amounts of stars for each category, and could end up being jarring to look at. Therefore, as of right now, I am currently leaning towards the former method in regards to placing values for this silly suggestion of mine.
Anyways though, this is all just theorycrafting from me. Something like this could be confusing and distracting to try to keep up with in this thread, so this idea of mine could have a thread of its own...if enough people like the idea, and think it would be useful to discuss anyways. Or at least interesting to discuss at the very least.
I think this could potentially work, as it would give everyone a goal to work towards. Instead of people trying to pitch several different ideas within this thread (tier lists/balance suggestions/etc), everyone would be working towards a particular goal instead. And if we were able to find out the stats for how the characters preform in each stage, this could lead to a more cohesive and focused discussion for how each character preforms in a particular matchup. Such as my examples for Pit and Robin. Using the stat examples that I posted above, one can immediately determine that Pit would have an advantageous matchup against Robin. However, this information will become more complex and detailed when characters have more similarly comparable stats between eachother. Regardless, it can provide a quick and easy means to see how characters, especially in the middle tiers, stack up to eachother. And while it definitely wouldn't reduce all arguments for character matchups (and the statistics themselves for that matter), it could be a foundation which people can find more things to agree upon, and potentially lead to more progress in regards to determining character viability.
Apologies to those who have endured my ramblings, lol
Oh, and there could be plenty of other suggestions (probably much better than mine) that could potentially achieve the goal of this topic. This is just one of them.
Basically, I just feel as though the current method(s) this topic is using is just not getting the results that we desire, since discussions just tend to end up devolving in endless circles. And when people post here, we usually work as individuals and in a very unorganized fashion, towards
our own goals. But if we were to think outside of the box, and try to approach these discussions from a different angle, maybe we could do a lot better to work as a true group instead, towards
everyone's goal or at least
this topic's intended goals instead.