Smash Hero
yea, thats what was so wierd.FH Nair isn't even a good answer to shield pressure. Sounds like some funny business is afoot.
But yeah. If you are absolutely 100% positive you know when he'll do it, you can out-gimmick him. You could honestly probably WD back really far and then charge F-smash and hit him when he lands.
Not that I'd recommend anything like that, though.
i was like "lol wut? FH nair oos? wtf is this and why is it working?"
i know its definitely not a very good answer to sheild pressure but i guess i was being pretty predictable with my sheild pressure, i fell into the thought process "if i just rush htis guy down, he'll probably lose cuz he wont know how to handle it"
i was wrong and got caught off guard. but ya, thanks for all the suggestions.
indeed, i'll have to start working on that.People are flawed and sometimes don't take well to strategies they are unfamiliar with.
What JPOBS really needs to do more, though, is CC Shine some of the weak Nairs that Guru and Zen hit him with at low percent and get those free 60% combos.
'i assume you've seen the vids from the biweeklies then cuz you know what im talking about, any suggestions on my overall play? other than CC to **** more.
and speaking of uptilting Nairs, i do that ish as doc vs fox/falcon ALL DAI its so funny. Uptilt->grab *****