But maybe they do

Besides, most of Switch's 2024 has been ports and remasters. There isn't really much to miss out on.
Yeah but a game planned in late June/early July 2021 means that a lot of stuff from 2022 and 2023 can get a hit.
Wanted Wonder content? You're lucky if we get a stage from this late 2023 game.
Wanted a Pikmin 4 newcomer like Oatchi? Sorry, 2023.
Wanted Alear using Emblems and potential fist fights for a fresh take on a FE rep? **** you, it's a 2023 game.
Wanted someone from TotK? Nope. It's a 2023 game so you'll get minor changes to Link at best.
Wanted something from Echoes of Widsom? Best you'll get from this 2024 game is Zelda's down B getting reskinned.
Wanted new Metroid characters? Too bad, Prime 4 was basically unknown and Dread... actually, Dread might have
barely made it since it'd come out 4 months after the project plan. But it wouldn't be Raven Beak in that scenario, it'd be E.M.M.I. or nothing.
Characters from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Bayonetta 3 (assuming Bayo comes back
and brings a newcomer like Viola) might also miss their shot due to coming out about a year or more after the project plan would be written.
It would also mean Geno missed his only possible shot due to the SMRPG Remake being a 2023 game.
Pokemon would very much get its dibs as usual and get a Gen 9 rep though, while the current consensus is that if Gen X comes out before the next Smash, Paldea's screwed out of getting anything so this situation is actually beneficial for characters like Meowscarada.