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Oregon Smash Community [OSC] - Oregon's official Smash Community est. 2005


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
I think that an odd number is better than an even number for an amount of panelists, though..


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
I'd prefer Binx be the N-Oregon rep since he's running tournaments... that is, once he's dealt with the apartment problem.

I don't see how evens or odds would make a panel more accurate since we're not voting as much as making the list together. And N-Or + S-Or + Mid-Or = 3.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
I just want to comment on the discussion of getting better. Note that nobody really mentions they want to win events for the cash prizes. It's almost like we should just take our entrance fees and pool it together to pay for travel expenses. Give Bart $20 to come from Grants Pass. $250 to a NorCal to come up and play every few months. Save up $500 and get someone like PC Chris over here.
Of course, it'd only be like 25 cents to get OC George to Eugene because his car pwnz gas, haha.

OH EM GEE, t1mmy, just put up a PR list or I'll do it. All this arguing about something that doesn't really matter that much. It'll motivate those who said it would, and won't matter to those who don't care about it. Just put it up already.
I don't even know what panelists will do, but the only ones I'd like to see as panelists: t1mmy, Dirt, and me. Everyone else needs to play more people more often/post more often.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
Milwaukie, Oregon
That's a pretty good idea tommy besides the fact that people other than george has poopy gas mileage and we need the winnings for that. But if they are willing to give it up to the help make oregon better pot than I guess it doesn't really matter. All I know is that I like the idea.


Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2006
Hey all. I wanted to say that I agree with you timmy about what you said regarding Oregon; that we *ahem* have substantial room for improvement, and need to get together more and not sandbag. I don't think I've ever had a problem sandbagging, but I would like to play more of you more often. All of you who live in Salem, please let's try and work out some casuals, even with the new school year starting and people having jobs.

I'm talking to you, Wikipedia, Doc_Holiday, Cs_Nexus, and Zapdos (prolly forgetting someone).

Last Saturday was fun, but let's get some more local stuff going on! Seriously, send me a freaking PM already. The buses might be slow, but they cover like all of Salem.

Btw I played for six hours straight with my friend I brought last Saturday, my Samus vs his Falco. I won the majority of our matches. He's a decent Falco, just could stand to learn some of those craaaazy combos.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I just want to comment on the discussion of getting better. Note that nobody really mentions they want to win events for the cash prizes. It's almost like we should just take our entrance fees and pool it together to pay for travel expenses. Give Bart $20 to come from Grants Pass. $250 to a NorCal to come up and play every few months. Save up $500 and get someone like PC Chris over here.
Of course, it'd only be like 25 cents to get OC George to Eugene because his car pwnz gas, haha.

OH EM GEE, t1mmy, just put up a PR list or I'll do it. All this arguing about something that doesn't really matter that much. It'll motivate those who said it would, and won't matter to those who don't care about it. Just put it up already.
I don't even know what panelists will do, but the only ones I'd like to see as panelists: t1mmy, Dirt, and me. Everyone else needs to play more people more often/post more often.
That would be cool, just have an Oregon Smash Treasurer and all donate a small ammount on a regular basis and have it be a prize for a huge tourney that we can set up much ahead of time.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2005
Timmy I couldn't agree with you more if I tried.....

Oregon does have what it takes but alot of us do still suck it's just some need to learn and try and respect others in the learning process with out help form other Oregon smasher we will go know where fast.

In other words I am saying in stead of fighting each other we all need to work together in getting better and fighting other states.

Also people sandbag less please I am saying mess around with friends but do try your hardest when you have learned tricks and you need to battle.

Bart you always make a good point.

Yes people do try things experiment, think about it maybe your one stupid idea turns out to be a great mind game or just something great to use you don't know unless you try.

Bart has to be one of Oregon's strongest players in my opinion he has come along way believe me I have been there to see it I used to be on top of him but now he has played long and hard it has paid off for him I know it's by this same method he is talking about.

I heard about that and in doing that Oregon is still up there we are not the worst state there are others below us but alot on top of us as well.

We just showed them that Oregon is starting to do a little better maybe next year we can all show them that we are a state to worry about.

Keep working on it peoples.

I can see why lol he was worried from the teams, it must make you feel good to make a pro worry when they fight you.
i agree with timmy he make a verry good point :)


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
I don't think we need a treasurer, though everyone who attends the tournament would have to agree that some of the pot goes toward travel expenses. As for fund raisers to get better players to Oregon, that would have to be figured out ahead of time. I'm sure if 20 people donated $10, that $200 could incite Nor-Cal, if anything, to attend a tournament.

OMG, I just found a video of OC George playing Tetris!
OC George vs. Tetris


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
I don't want to donate money to bring better players here.

In fact, I don't even want to be part of Oregon anymore.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
I don't want to donate money to bring better players here.

In fact, I don't even want to be part of Oregon anymore.

I wouldn't want to pay for good players to come here either

Would they pay for us?

You guys are a part of Oregon your not going to stop playing =P

me neither, im going back to vietnam and be the king of smash there
Fine leave Oregon do not help us.

right there with you man
Why Jonny WHY! .... *falls to knees and screams at the shy*


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
I don't think we need a treasurer, though everyone who attends the tournament would have to agree that some of the pot goes toward travel expenses. As for fund raisers to get better players to Oregon, that would have to be figured out ahead of time. I'm sure if 20 people donated $10, that $200 could incite Nor-Cal, if anything, to attend a tournament.

OMG, I just found a video of OC George playing Tetris!
OC George vs. Tetris

My eyes just exploded.
Yeah and my left nut exploded...

Dude, Riot, wtf.. leave the shy alone :( :( :(
.............. Come on I wasn't picking on anyone that time not even the shy =(


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2007
i have no problem donating money to people that really need it and are interested in being a part of the community, but i think it should be limited to oregon players. there are plenty of people that would love to come to tournaments but have no ride, or dont have people to help with gas money. peach masta, ryan and balloon are all good examples, none of them could make dodu for those reasons, and it would have been great to have them there.
norcal is a stretch, and not worth paying for them to travel up... id rather pay my way to go down there.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
What you all are saying is we need to play more often and play more seriously.
In order to do that we need to schedule events that everyone can attend and make sure they have rides. Let's put "no johns" into action instead of just mindlessly repeating it, because I'm sick of hearing it and not seeing it.

Proposal: Weeklies at our home town [example]
A Monthly All-Stars event (non-tournament) where we actually play everyone to note improvements & give advice. Obviously newcomers won't be able to give the veterans advice, so maybe this could be an opportunity for the panelists to help out the newer players. The entrance fee would only be enough to cover travel costs, much like everyone chipping in for gas money when traveling out of state.

More information
The majority of the OR scene would be Eugene, Portland, Salem, and Corvallis (I believe that to be the order of most events to least events. I don't think Grants Pass has any events outside of friendlies).

So, one month Eugene hosts a monthly, next month Portland, next month Salem, and the next month Corvallis. And a VIP checklist would be nice so we could get confirmation on those Very Important Players.

If you all want a type of treasurer, we could let Paypal handle that, but we'd have to work out details on that.

Of course, for those who want normal cash prize tournaments there can always be plenty of those.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
Milwaukie, Oregon
Tommy that's a really good idea. The only problem for portland will be a venue. I guess gamers guild would work but I hear it's really small, I might be able to talk to a place called galaxy games in portland because they have monthly halo tournaments there that I go to, so they might be willing to do it.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Let's set up a schedule of events. I know OSU III is happening sometime soon, and SF:E is too. I'd like to do SF:E on the 27th of October and have candy and pumpkins and black cats scratching at me.


Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2006
What you all are saying is we need to play more often and play more seriously.
In order to do that we need to schedule events that everyone can attend and make sure they have rides. Let's put "no johns" into action instead of just mindlessly repeating it, because I'm sick of hearing it and not seeing it.

Proposal: Weeklies at our home town [example]
A Monthly All-Stars event (non-tournament) where we actually play everyone to note improvements & give advice. Obviously newcomers won't be able to give the veterans advice, so maybe this could be an opportunity for the panelists to help out the newer players. The entrance fee would only be enough to cover travel costs, much like everyone chipping in for gas money when traveling out of state.

More information
The majority of the OR scene would be Eugene, Portland, Salem, and Corvallis (I believe that to be the order of most events to least events. I don't think Grants Pass has any events outside of friendlies).

So, one month Eugene hosts a monthly, next month Portland, next month Salem, and the next month Corvallis. And a VIP checklist would be nice so we could get confirmation on those Very Important Players.

Please tell me where to sign up. This is a good idea.
(my enthusiasm was so high, that, like an int, rolled back into negatives and ended up near zero.)

Also, I can probably help to set up a venue for Salem, I just need to talk to Gamer's Oasis or find another spot for it. Not to grab the reins or anything other Salem-ites, just want to get a jump on things. Come on you Salem locals, PM me already. I want to smash with ya.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
What you all are saying is we need to play more often and play more seriously.
In order to do that we need to schedule events that everyone can attend and make sure they have rides. Let's put "no johns" into action instead of just mindlessly repeating it, because I'm sick of hearing it and not seeing it.

Proposal: Weeklies at our home town [example]
A Monthly All-Stars event (non-tournament) where we actually play everyone to note improvements & give advice. Obviously newcomers won't be able to give the veterans advice, so maybe this could be an opportunity for the panelists to help out the newer players. The entrance fee would only be enough to cover travel costs, much like everyone chipping in for gas money when traveling out of state.

More information
The majority of the OR scene would be Eugene, Portland, Salem, and Corvallis (I believe that to be the order of most events to least events. I don't think Grants Pass has any events outside of friendlies).

So, one month Eugene hosts a monthly, next month Portland, next month Salem, and the next month Corvallis. And a VIP checklist would be nice so we could get confirmation on those Very Important Players.

If you all want a type of treasurer, we could let Paypal handle that, but we'd have to work out details on that.

Of course, for those who want normal cash prize tournaments there can always be plenty of those.
Tommy makes a good point in all of this I can try and talk to the Empire games guy and see if he will let us all do it for free.

I also have one more idea, my work I could rent out the alder ball room in the hotel for events an they would let me do it for cheap because I work there I think there is enough room for 100+ people.

This idea is up in the air I will have to talk to my boss but I am sure she will be down for it if it is once a month.

Sound like a good idea to anyone it's a non-smoking 4 star hotel what more could you ask for?

Tommy that's a really good idea. The only problem for portland will be a venue. I guess gamers guild would work but I hear it's really small, I might be able to talk to a place called galaxy games in portland because they have monthly halo tournaments there that I go to, so they might be willing to do it.
I have heard of that place tha might work.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
SF E on teh 27th? i think kenpachi said OSU 3 is on the 22nd so if you wanna put them close together than yeah, but just giving you a heads up timmy


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Riot I like your idea of the ballroom it will also be nice for big tournies that we get those OoS people coming too
Yeah all I have to do is contact the sales department at my work, my boss said I should also try and get the Oregon food bank in on it as well.

I still don't know what to do there I will talk to the reps about it and see what I can work out if this does work here is what I want....

People with T.V's ready to go!
People with Set ups!
People with money!

I will be paying for most of the Alder Ball room in the hotel becasue I would get it cheap food can be found in are 4 star* Restraunt meeting everyone's needs from people that love the flech and parts of dead animals to the V-Gans we have a very nice V-Gan diet here in the hotel.

It's a hotel why would you ask for housing it is right here.

If I have to do something with the Oregon food bank do remember that a few cans of food may be needed with your entry fee.

This is all up in the air still but this is to for warn you about what it might be like.

Anyway I have spoken I would love some ideas people I want this to be a group thing.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Riot I like your idea of the ballroom it will also be nice for big tournies that we get those OoS people coming too
Yeah all I have to do is contact the sales department at my work, my boss said I should also try and get the Oregon food bank in on it as well.

I still don't know what to do there I will talk to the reps about it and see what I can work out if this does work here is what I want....

People with T.V's ready to go!
People with Set ups!
People with money!

I will be paying for most of the Alder Ball room in the hotel becasue I would get it cheap food can be found in are 4 star* Restraunt meeting everyone's needs from people that love the flech and parts of dead animals to the V-Gans we have a very nice V-Gan diet here in the hotel.

It's a hotel why would you ask for housing it is right here.

If I have to do something with the Oregon food bank do remember that a few cans of food may be needed with your entry fee.

This is all up in the air still but this is to for warn you about what it might be like.

Anyway I have spoken I would love some ideas people I want this to be a group thing.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
SF E on teh 27th? i think kenpachi said OSU 3 is on the 22nd so if you wanna put them close together than yeah, but just giving you a heads up timmy
Now that I think of it, the weekend of November 3rd might work out better because everyone will have loads of Halloween candy. CANDY MATCHES!
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