Seriously though. My head hurts.
Anyway, here's a question. Say Ridley isn't revealed in the initial trailer. Would this mean anything for his chances?
Uhh... it might be a bit worrisome, but no, it wouldn't really effect his chances. Especially if someone like K. Rool was in the trailer. Sakurai could always be saving him for an unlockable. Also, sometimes the most requested and characters people generally assume will make it aren't unveiled til sometime after the trailer, like Diddy Kong. The trailer would be a lot less awesome without him though.
Considering he's just about one the most requested characters, I think it pretty much means his chances fall flat entirely, based Sakurai's statements about him during Brawl.
If he isn't in the initial trailer, I think that sky-rockets Dark Samus' chances of being a character, though.
I disagree, for reasons I said above, but just because Ridley wouldn't be included doesn't mean Dark Samus will. It's not like the absence of Ridley suddenly makes Dark Samus gain merit. Ridley didn't make it for Brawl, and Dark Samus existed then and was fairly popular, if she didn't get in then, unless she's made a clone, chances are she won't get in now.
That and it's mostly your roster but fair enough. I forgot that Toon Zelda/Tetra and Mewtwo were in the files.
Out of interest why don't you have Chrom? Don't like him?
Sakurai doesn't just include the most recent character because they are the most recent, he also has to see something in them, something that sets them apart from what already exists in the roster. He didn't choose Ike because Ike was the newest, he chose Ike because after IS suggested it to him, he saw potential for diversity from what already was offered in Smash through FE characters. I don't think he will see the same kind of diversity with Chrom (or Lucina), and that's only if he wanted to prioritize them above the most popular character, which is Roy. Along with his popularity (which is especially strong in Japan - where Sakurai presumably looks closer at FE popularity, due to it being significantly more popular there) he also has been planned twice for inclusion, and as a veteran and a semi-clone, would be fairly easy to implement.
I don't have anything against Chrom, but I think Roy just has more in his favour. Personally though, no, I'm not wild about Chrom, but this isn't a wishlist roster for me, it's a prediction roster, so even if I didn't like him but thought he had the best chance for FE, I'd include him. I'm not wild about Little Mac, K. Rool, Toon Zelda, or Pac-Man either, they wouldn't be on my wishlist roster, but I can't ignore that they have a chance, so I've included them.
Don't worry, I assumed N3ON was a man when I first met her too. Never forget it. She went by "N3ONK1D" or something and I remember seeing she said something cool and so I called her "N3ONM4N".
She didn't even correct me. >_>
I told you that was because N3ONM4N just sounds too epic. I'd love if there was a Neon Man, he'd be my favourite superhero and/or robot master.