It will need around three unbiased, relatively skilled Sheik players, and about two players from the opposing character.
It would start off with the three people (i guess you can consider them the panel). Discuss the pros and cons of our character, by now these should all be very well developed. We will also look at the pros and cons of the opposing character.
When all of this is finished, the discussion will go public, where all the pros and cons are listed, how they affect the matchup, stages, etc. Public people will share their opinion and a general summary of the matchup can be made from here.
The panel will then decide on a match-up rank (ex. 60:40).
Here's where the two players from an opposing character come in. They will re-read the summary, explain some pros about their character that we might have left out, so on and so forth. They will also make a summary of how the opposing character should and most likely will be playing this match-up. Then with those five people we will reach a general agreement on a match-up ranking, this match-up and summary can go on both boards.
I sent this to you because you are running the match-up board, I'm trying to see if we can implement this in boards to make match-up threads get generally finished.
I am not a part of your backroom, however I'm going through all of the character discussion boards to get something set up that will expand the brawl metagame. If you could discuss this amongst your backroom and see if this plan could be implemented i would take great compliment by it.