Squirtle: "(Well, it's certainly not like the lake I used to live by...)"
Pichu: "(Or the valley my brother and I lived in...)"
Girafarig: "(Or the field I lived in...)"
Vulpix: "(And not at all like the forest I lived in!)"
-She'll wake back up upon overhearing that the trend mostly died out several years ago- :V
(Well, that name's gonna be confusing if she's ever a threat again since she's not the only Aya we know...) So your latest headlines are just problems you caused?
Ugh, as much as I hate to admit it...Our best option is most likely to simply wait. Chaldea travels often, and hte Autobots are, for the most part, still stationed near a decayed planet that bears a strong resemblance to Earth. We can stage an ambush at on their next major destination and base each steps of the ambush around it's location and their actions. Until then, I suggest we take all the time available to prepare for the plan.
(Uh, did we appear at a bad time?) -Looking at the site of the explosive spell-
Okay! For now, the tippity toppest priority is finding what pastries we all want!
Had to reference Monty Python again
Hayate: "Nor the city we live in!"
Fate: "All settlements differ some way or another..."
-And Nanoha will think that's fortunate- :V
Aya: "How dare you say that? I am simply making sure to inform Gensokyo of what its most famous inhabitants are doing!"
Kazumi: "...Are you a paparazzi?"
Aya: "How rude! I am a professional that catches the perfect shots when they least expect it!"
Kazumi: "...so, you spy people and bother them?"
Aya: "The better term is professional journalism!"
Flamewar: "It seems they're getting tons of Energon so that's good for you all!"
Thunderblast: "I like the idea~!"
Sky-Byte: "Fine then..." -really hopes that they don't cause the least destruction possible-
Rin: "....No! I'm done!" -saving up the remaining jewels- "Hey"
Atalanta: "Hm, we were to bring Winter to you"
-So Jack stares and ponders which one to get-
Palu: "She's a friend."

Alear: "I'm glad we both know that."

-she seems happy too-
Sigurd: "Are you not worried of all you could miss out...?"
Oriko: "So that's what she is?"
Ana: "Wait, that's what she is?"
Kama: "...................."
Iskandar: "After all, what is a king with loyal subjects if he doesn't also trusts in them, am I right?"
Jalter: "..."
Tsk... So easy for that one...
Kiritsugu: "...No" -lying-
-The Starscream dummy is bent without breaking by Fujino's eyes-
-Are they all in a group despite some of them holding a grudge against Monika?-
Dipper: "Listen, Iroha. I know that you're worried, and I
totally get why, but trust us, trying to find them when you're exhausted isn't going to help
any of you..."
-All except for the likes of The Lich...-
Lapis: "Well, I guess this meal smells pretty good! I'll give it a try."

-About to take a bite of it with a fork-
Hekapoo: "So it's true that you Greek deities are actually cyborgs not native to Earth? I almost thought Omni was just making that up."
-perhaps they are?-
Azura: "Combing the world tirelessly on your own will only leave you open for them to kill you before you even notice..."
-or Epimenides, who is inspecting the body Kanna made for him-
-there's a good menu of things, and there's even a whole page dedicated to ingredient options, effectively allowing you to choose your own-
-and I spent like, two hours trying to make a nice menu with pictures and all but this site has a 20 pictures per post limit so
** that **-
-she got the Prime Poultry Pilaf, a Gerudo favorite after being suggested it-
View attachment 397908
Sothis: "I wonder if this extends to demigods as well..."
-Indeed, they seemed to be waiting for someone-
Iroha: "But, I..."
Kazumi: "They're right. I'm worried for what Kanna-chan, Airi and the Soujus could do, but we can't lose ourselves!"
Tart: "Yes, we can only rely on them now if we don't want to exhaust ourselves"
Iroha: "..."
-Indeed, though she's clueless to Minou's apathy towards her sisters, if only because she loves them so much she can't see them disposing of one another-
-As for what the Demogorgon would see next, it would be Kagari and Sasa in another room crafting plushies of their enemies-
Sasa: -Whistling as she's knitting an Oriko doll- "I'm going to pinch this one like a cushion~"
Kagari: -Knitting a Suzune doll- "Funny, I have the same idea with this one~"
Sasa: "Heh, if only we could have also taken out this spoiled princess's lackey, that would have been perfect"
Kagari: "Oh, I get you, I sometimes wish I could have killed my sister before she assisted Suzune-chan"
-Fair enough-
Iroha: "That looks... Unique"
Artemis: "Kinda! That only applies to the Titans and the Olympians like myself! We were deployed looooong ago to colonize a planet, crash landed on Earth, we liked the place, and we became gods after the locals worshipped us so much!"
Ophanimon: "That's a story... What about your original body?"
Artemis: "Oh it got destroyed by a large white alien"
Altera somewhere: -Sneezes-
Artemis: "But as I said it's just us, all our descendants are full flesh!"
-The Gorgons were starting to look at themselves, and were relieved they weren't mechanical-
Luvia: "It's true, being one with Astraea would have let me know if she had any automaton parts"