The Spook Factor
Pichu: "(Even many Pokémon live in totally different areas!)"Hayate: "Nor the city we live in!"
Fate: "All settlements differ some way or another..."
-And Nanoha will think that's fortunate- :V
Aya: "How dare you say that? I am simply making sure to inform Gensokyo of what its most famous inhabitants are doing!"
Kazumi: "...Are you a paparazzi?"
Aya: "How rude! I am a professional that catches the perfect shots when they least expect it!"
Kazumi: ", you spy people and bother them?"
Aya: "The better term is professional journalism!"
Flamewar: "It seems they're getting tons of Energon so that's good for you all!"
Thunderblast: "I like the idea~!"
Sky-Byte: "Fine then..." -really hopes that they don't cause the least destruction possible-
Rin: "....No! I'm done!" -saving up the remaining jewels- "Hey"
Atalanta: "Hm, we were to bring Winter to you"
-So Jack stares and ponders which one to get-
-For good reason- :V
So a paparazzi. Got it. -Crosses arms with annoyed glare-
-It seems like they've got big plans and ambitious for the Decepticons...-
(She wanted to help cheer up one of the new arrivals, but passed out earlier.)
-As do Lancer and the Pokémon-
-Im any case, what are Ruby's thoughts on the Dark World thus far?--totally-
Weiss: -doesn't remember seeing him...-
-Camilla tries to break the wave with her axe-
-There was an episode where it's revealed that he was secretly rich thanks to a family empire and that his father and the rest of his family wouldn't understand him (at least until the episodes ending) if he told them about his hobbies and lifestyle outside of Ribbitvale-
-That works, but then Camilla sees several spears flying at her from above-
-perhaps they are?-
Azura: "Combing the world tirelessly on your own will only leave you open for them to kill you before you even notice..."
-or Epimenides, who is inspecting the body Kanna made for him-
-there's a good menu of things, and there's even a whole page dedicated to ingredient options, effectively allowing you to choose your own-
-and I spent like, two hours trying to make a nice menu with pictures and all but this site has a 20 pictures per post limit so ** that **-
-she got the Prime Poultry Pilaf, a Gerudo favorite after being suggested it-
View attachment 397908
Sothis: "I wonder if this extends to demigods as well..."
XJ-4: "Oh, there they are!"-Indeed, they seemed to be waiting for someone-
Iroha: "But, I..."
Kazumi: "They're right. I'm worried for what Kanna-chan, Airi and the Soujus could do, but we can't lose ourselves!"
Tart: "Yes, we can only rely on them now if we don't want to exhaust ourselves"
Iroha: "..."
-Indeed, though she's clueless to Minou's apathy towards her sisters, if only because she loves them so much she can't see them disposing of one another-
-As for what the Demogorgon would see next, it would be Kagari and Sasa in another room crafting plushies of their enemies-
Sasa: -Whistling as she's knitting an Oriko doll- "I'm going to pinch this one like a cushion~"
Kagari: -Knitting a Suzune doll- "Funny, I have the same idea with this one~"
Sasa: "Heh, if only we could have also taken out this spoiled princess's lackey, that would have been perfect"
Kagari: "Oh, I get you, I sometimes wish I could have killed my sister before she assisted Suzune-chan"
-Fair enough-
Iroha: "That looks... Unique"
Artemis: "Kinda! That only applies to the Titans and the Olympians like myself! We were deployed looooong ago to colonize a planet, crash landed on Earth, we liked the place, and we became gods after the locals worshipped us so much!"
Ophanimon: "That's a story... What about your original body?"
Artemis: "Oh it got destroyed by a large white alien"
Altera somewhere: -Sneezes-
Artemis: "But as I said it's just us, all our descendants are full flesh!"
-The Gorgons were starting to look at themselves, and were relieved they weren't mechanical-
Luvia: "It's true, being one with Astraea would have let me know if she had any automaton parts"
Huh, I wonder who they're waiting for...
Star: "...None of you guys are wrong..."
-And something she would actually be shocked by if Minou did bettay them?-
-Are they actual voodoo dolls of them?-
-What Digi said. No worries-
Lapis: "This looks even better than it did on the menu!"
Hekapoo: "Funny how that arriving in amd helping a new dimension works out sometimes."

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