Here are some more Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay ideas.
Hyper Boost/Double Boost Turning: You know the Double Boost from Sonic Forces? If it were used again, have it use a very sharp drift mechanic that can be used to not only turn around corners, but find hidden routes. Due to how much energy it consumes, it can only be used five times unless it is refilled in some way.
The Hyper Boost is a past idea of mine similar to the Double Boost.
Curved Surface Direction Holding: Look at this.
Some sections have Sonic apparently moving on curves as if they were a straight line when the player held the right direction on the controls. This would be just like that with any curve, just have the player hold down a direction on the control stick and Sonic will move on and stay on that path.
Double Boost Imitation: By building up momentum just like in the classics and going really fast from it, Sonic can imitate the effects of the Double Boost when he reaches Boost Mode (from the Sonic Advance games) while moving with all that momentum.
Light Speed Boost. By pressing both the Light Speed Dash button and the Boost button after getting an upgrade, Sonic can easily do a super powered Boost at lightspeed similar to Sonic’s flying as Super Sonic in Sonic Generations’ levels. It does consume rings fast, though, so it is best to be used wisely.
Experience In Levels: In levels of Sonic games, Sonic can gain experience and skill points similar to in Sonic Frontiers. This can be in the form of fighting enemies, which is optional, or bosses like some of the enemies in the Open Zones of Sonic Frontiers or the big mini-bosses of Sonic Unleashed’s night time levels. They are optional, as there are other ways of gaining experience like doing tricks, breaking items and doing certain actions. This can be used to unlock new moves like in Sonic Frontiers.
Loop and Corkscrew Switches: When nearing a loop or corkscrew, there will be a series of switches that, if Sonic hits all of them without stopping, will cause new paths to materialize on the loops or corkscrews or have the loops and corkscrews alter to make newer paths.
Phantom Rush Movement: With this, by defeating enemies or doing a number of other things in levels or Open Zone environments, (like doing tricks) Sonic can use Phantom Rush outside of combat purposes and for movement purposes. With this, he can Quick Step or move sideways faster, jump faster, do a faster Light Speed Dash, do a faster Boost and do much more.
Balance Dash: With this, Sonic can balance on objects like poles and other kinds of objects, and if there is another object he can balance on nearby, he can dash to them like he was doing a Homing Attack, allowing Sonic to reach newer areas that other parts of his moveset would not really get him to.