A few things:Black Ops got a 8.5. Duke Nukem got a 5. Madden got an 8. FF14 got an 8. DC Online got an 8. Just go on Metacritic and you will see the average scores for a bunch of triple A titles that got below a 9.
If you actually look at the details, a majority of reviewers gave Black Ops a score of 90 or above. Duke Nukem just sucked *** so hard that nobody could say it was good. Madden gets an eight every year and I want to go slap whoever thought that DCO and FFXIV deserved and 8.
This doesn't disprove my point that for most reviewers an 8 or a 7 is an average game.
The first Uncharted got 8s (again, "average") scores when it was still a relatively unknown franchise. Then when Sony promoted the **** out of U2 the game started getting 9s and 10s all across the board. Although I won't argue that Batman doesn't deserve to be scored high.But the reason these games do get a 9 is because they are deserving. Zelda, Mario, Uncharted, Batman...they are all deserving.
As for Zelda and Mario, Nintendo's fanbase would go ballistic if either one of their precious titles got a score below a 9. Just look at what happened when Gamespot gave TP a score of *gasp* 8.8.
Or how about reviews just give you their opinion then instead of being lazy and just looking at a number you actually have to take all of five minuets to read the damn thing?But yeah, I agree with you on the scale. What would you propose then? A letter system? A "star" system? Or simply a "fun factor" system?
I would also be nice if critics would actually, you know, criticize big name titles for once. Go read most publications' review of Ocarina of Time 3D and you'll just be told what you want to hear, that it's a timeless classic that completely is untouched by the oh-so-evil taint of modern gaming. Then go read 1-Up's review, the most honestly review of a game I have ever read in my life, and behold the truth.
On the off hand, if you want proof that the 1-10 scale is broken take a look at how IGN has more positive reviews than anything else on their site: