Big Philly Chessesteak is so not worth it at Subway lol. It just isn't lmao.
As far as mk is co concerned, stay as grounded as possible. If they take to the air, watch their jump count and stay close so you can attempt to punish on his bad air speed. At mid percent, I look at it as "you likely will have to take a chance", going for a powershield on something, then drop shield and Dtilt lock. It'll be your best utility if you can make it happen. Should that never come, try to catch stuff in fsmash and of course remain random. Recovery isn't the worst since it is a little hard to gimp Zelda at higher damage. Low % gimps are scary but mid to high, you will make it back. Just have your DI ready since you're likely to get hit upon recovery. Patience is a premium so try to play to your strengths and try to get into a groove.