Ok... I think you should stop taking that heroin.
First off, no drug references.
Seagull... This is why some people hate you honestly. I mean, are you even serious? Are you trying to get us salty? Your own main is Top B? Seriously? I can accept Mario and DIddy. But Sonic? And why Roy, Marth, Ike, Lucas, Roy, Charizard and Link are so damn low?
Second off, no flaming or insulting people.
Look, if I made a "tier list" that looked like this:




You're here to discuss, correct, educate, and argue about characters' performances in the competitive scene. You're not supposed to look at the tier list and say, "Hey, idiot, you're ******* stupid", or "What the **** are you smoking, you crackhead?" You're here to have a civil discussion and argue why (hypothetically) I think Mario is bottom or why I separated the tier list with 4 tiers.
Every region has imbalanced character usage. In a perfect setting, 55 equal level players would play 55 different characters, but that's not going to happen. That's not reality and that means characters won't have "proper" representation. In Seagull's region, you have a really strong Luigi, Boss. Now how strong Boss is compared to J. Miller or Mr. ConCon does not matter, what matters is that Boss and Seagull are pretty much neck to neck when competing. Now, imagine if Boss used Peach instead. Well, Peach might be at a higher place on Seagull's list. This goes for Dabuz, ESAM, Shaya, ZeRo, or anyone's list. If a character is irrelevant or there's not a high enough level of player of that character at your region, why should you care? Pikachu has Kenny and Kenny isn't as good as ESAM. If ESAM was in Seagull's competitive scene, that might influence Seagull's tier list. If Ito was in Seagull's scene, that would influence Seagull's opinion on Meta Knight.