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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
It's funny, I've had a similar thought regarding Boom-Boom's arms. I can't deny that it'd be hilarious to see those "Anchor Arms" driving a Clown Car. With that said, I totally see what you mean regarding Pom-Pom and how they're looking more and more like a package deal these days. Almost wonder how Smash would handle THEM, actually...

In regards to Nabbit? Yeah, I figured that's why you suggested him. Like I mentioned earlier, I feel like there's sort of an "appeal" to him in particular driving a Clown Car into battle. Like, did he steal one of the Koopa Troop's mass-produced production line ones? We may never know...
Funnily enough, I could see Boom-Boom acting as a semi-clone of Bowser. Most moves are surprising fits, just replace any claw swipes with punches. So Up Tilt uses the same arc, but becomes a backhand punch, Forward Air is also the same arc but with a closed fist for an overhead punch. Despite his stubby legs, I could still even see him doing Bowser's Back Air and Drop Kick F-Smash. There are a handful of moves that would probably need to be changed like Up Air and the throws but in most cases most of Bowser's normals work pretty well.

For specials, again, I could see Boom-Boom keeping Bowser's Up and Down Specials, just with different names and adjusted properties. (Boom Bomb for Down B writes itself imo.) Up Special would be adjusted into a faster single hit move so that he could get a multi-hit via his signature lariat spin on neutral special (also ironically being similar to Mario Tornado in that regard). Lastly, Side Special would be his other signature move, his little arm flailing charge which I could see as being a forward moving armored attack.

I am aware that he can literally sprout wings to replace his arms in some boss battles, but I honestly always hated how that looks, nor does it mesh well with the rest of the move set design imo.

Pom-Pom would definitely need to be different. I think it'd be neat if they leaned into her moves from 3D World with the shuriken and teleporting.

Wow, neat idea! In addition to Cynthia being paired off with Garchomp/Lucario, it's VERY interesting that you brought up your concept of Pokémon and their Trainer, AND that you had Chase and Elaine as potential trainers to be included with Pikachu, as it reminds me of something I had in mind for them.

Specifically, my idea was that "Partner Pikachu" and "Partner Eevee" would be playable in Smash, with the "Let's Go" trainer duo accompanying them as their personal Trainers, essentially using your idea that you detailed above.
Yeah, I chose Chase and Elaine specifically because they're the player characters in Let's Go, so there's a natural association there.
There are still some Pokémon who I think shouldn't/wouldn't have partner trainers like :ultmewtwo: (shouldn't for being a legendary) or :ultjigglypuff: (wouldn't for lack of closely associated trainers,) but overall, I would want a few different trainers per Pokémon.

Ngl, all of this Gyromite talk is reminding me about how I've entertained the idea of Professor Hector (with Professor Vector [Hector's assistant] as an Alph-styled alt. skin) joining Smash Bros., controlling a R.O.B.-like mech in battle.
I don't know why, but the first thing that came to mind from this idea was :ultpacman: in SFxT
While I can't say I share your interest/enthusiasm for Hector/Vector, I would like a proper mech pilot at some point. I mean, I guess Jr. and the Koopalings count but I'm thinking more along the lines of Tron Bonne.

As for Michael's design, I... actually kind of want them to keep his OG design, just translated into 3D. Like, I'd LOVE to see how folks react to his overtly 90's future-punk design in the modern day.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd still want the OG design to be included, but I'd also want to see them try their hand at a new design, maybe even something like Jin for a more sci-fi look.

I also don't know if I'd describe his fit as future-punk, it just feels like 90s protag design to me, regardless of the intended setting.

Believe it or not, I've actually cooked up a moveset for Urban Champ a couple of years ago that I'd like to think takes advantage of the game's elements (and DOESN'T make him a cross-series Echo of Mac).

In terms of being different from Little Mac, the Urban Champ would have Mac's strength, but even stronger, with a few drawbacks, such as:

1. NO super armor on ANY attacks, but as a result, due to fighting on the streets, his attacks are more aggressive than Little Mac, because he doesn't know how to hold back. The other problem is due to him having trouble controlling himself sometimes he may do 1-2% damage to himself. It'd be pretty uncommon for him to do this, though.

2. He would use weapons, such as crowbars, manholes, flower pots, and....well, whatever else you'd find/use in a street fight. I'd say switchblade, but I think that's taking it a little TOO far.

3. His special moves would all be different from Mac, with the exception of Mac's Rising Star up special and Slip Counter down special. As I've said before, the Urban Champ would be more aggressive than Mac, and due to this, his up special, would rise to a more crazy height, due to his hot-blooded nature and his Slip Counter would involve him grabbing his opponent after they've struck him during the Counter animation, resulting in him grabbing them and punching them back hard, and I mean HARD.

4. His standard special would not be the Straight Lunge, but the "Burst Barrage". With this, the Urban Champ would charge up, and where Mac's fist glowed red, the Urban Champ's entire body would turn red, with him getting more and more of a furious expression on his face. When the attack is fully charged, he will GO OFF, starting with a powerful punch, and kick to the ribs, ANOTHER kick to the ribs, a punch to the gut, a headbutt, and ending it with what could essentially be considered Mac's side smash attack. His side special would involve him tossing a random item from Urban Champ, like a flower pot, or even a manhole, among other things.

5. I imagine his redesign to be along the lines of having THREE outfits. One being his jean jacket with torn sleeves, while wearing a red-and-white striped shirt underneath, with jeans pants on. His other outfit would consist of wearing a baby blue t-shirt with a red long sleeve shirt at the bottom while wearing blue sweatpants. The last one would be...well...a simple white t-shirt, as a homage to Cody Travers of Final Fight/Street Fighter fame, and Axel Stone of Streets of Rage. Also, I guess if they want to be realistic, his default outfit would involve him having golden-blonde hair, as seen above. His alts. would involve blue hair, purple hair, and green hair. I'll think of the others later.

6. His FS would either be him and an army of Urban Fighters beating down on opponents, or the Urban Champ would basically use a grounded version of the Mii Brawler's FS.
Can't say I like this one quite as much as your Lark move set, for a few reasons. First of which, making him an even more extreme version of Mac... does not sound appealing at all. Even with the drawbacks, it doesn't make him any less volatile or any more balanced.

Everything else, just kind of feels so far removed from UC that I have trouble seeing it as UC. This feels even more drastic than Pit's redesign back in Brawl imo. Not that I'm against a modernization of the character but this direction seems to completely lack the slightly goofy, cartoonish nature of the og UC.

The beat 'em up influence is kind of interesting but at that point I'd be asking why we didn't get Axel or Cody instead.

Honestly a bit surprised a Mii Fighter costume of this guy hasn't happened yet, but I DO wonder just what design they'd go with. The official blond-haired artwork, or something more based on the NES sprite?
Hard to say honestly. I feel like if they did do an Urban Champion Mii costume it'd just be the outfit though. It'd probably be up to players to pick a close enough hair style and adjust the color.

When it comes to the design of an actual character though, I've got to go with something that's more inspired by the sprite. Honestly not a fan of the box art interpretation of the character. I'd still want them to lean more into the cartoon looking angle but probably a bit taller, with less chibi proportions. The box art depiction looks like a confused kid to me, the sprite reads better as a guy willingly getting into street fights.

And I'd LOVE an Urban Champ stage, ESPECIALLY after Super Smash Flash 2 gave us an amazing proof-of-concept of how such a stage could work. Bonus points if Smash Bros. had some option to switch between the OG NES setting and a modernized, hyper-realistic setting.
I haven't checked in on SSF2 in ages. I didn't even know they'd added an Urban Champ stage. Guess I have some catching up to do there.

Like I said earlier though, I'm not sure I quite find the appeal in turning UC into a "hyper-realistic" setting. I'd rather they try to keep it within it's more cartoony roots while actual beat 'em up series like Streets of Rage, Final Fight or River City take the role of repping their genre.

I'm not against a modern take on Urban Champion as a beat 'em up mind you, but this is a case where I'd like to see that realized as a game first. I fully admit a part of that is a preference for stuff like SoR or Final fight getting in first. I can't say I wouldn't be a little upset if they skipped out on so many existing classic beat 'em up characters to pull in Urban Champion and make him play just like them.

Going back to his design for a bit though, I guess if you were trying make a more realistic, beat 'em up style look, the blonde version might end up looking something like Mike from Battle Clash funnily enough.

With that said, I guess you have a point there. In fact, the more I think about it? The more I think that Jill's "flaming tackle" attack wouldn't look THAT out of place on Lark (or any other Pilotwings character). I mean, you ARE right about how I'd still incorporate as much Pilotwings content into Lark's moveset, such as the Rocketbelt, a parachute, and the various bird suits the series has given us over the years.
What, Charging STARS? I don't know if that's a particularly good fit for Lark but I don't think you should feel like a few standard physical attacks are out of place on him or most any character's move set really. It is a fighting game after all.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
One gimmicky idea I think could be potentially interesting for Urban Champion is if a few of his attacks (maybe forward tilt and down tilt, maybe also forward smash) increase in hitstun at high percents instead of increasing in knockback. So, at middling percents they start to force the opponent to tech, and at high percent when used at the ledge they have enough hitstun to make the opponent fall a decent distance below the ledge. Forward smash would kill outright off the bottom of the screen if you knock the opponent offstage with it at high enough percent, since it’d just have THAT much hitstun. It’s based on the way the enemies roll back after being hit in Urban Champion, and being able to kill with it feels very fitting given how he usually finishes off his opponents by punching them into manholes. It’d have to temporarily modify the enemy‘s falling speed as well, though, or else it’d be too lethal against fastfallers and useless against floaties. There’ll also need to be a limit to how many times an enemy can be hit with this in a row to prevent potential infinites, especially in doubles.

Another quirk I’m thinking about is if he’d have a very fast initial dash, but his actual dash is the same speed as his walk, so you have to foxtrot. I’m imagining him having a kind of exaggeratedly bouncy fighting stance so him hopping around but not being able to properly run sounds interesting.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2007
Hard to say honestly. I feel like if they did do an Urban Champion Mii costume it'd just be the outfit though. It'd probably be up to players to pick a close enough hair style and adjust the color.

When it comes to the design of an actual character though, I've got to go with something that's more inspired by the sprite. Honestly not a fan of the box art interpretation of the character. I'd still want them to lean more into the cartoon looking angle but probably a bit taller, with less chibi proportions. The box art depiction looks like a confused kid to me, the sprite reads better as a guy willingly getting into street fights.
View attachment 395314
I'm all with you.
Neither of his cover arts has the same charisma of his ingame sprite:
UrbanChampionEuCover.jpg Urban_Champion_cover__81409.jpg 1729152801668.png

About his moves, his down B could lifting a manhole to use it as a shield and to create a hole trap for the opponents.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I only wish that if Charizard becomes Solo-Zard again, he gets reworked to be less reliant on a switching mechanic.
Hence I feel Charizard was forced into the heavyweight archetype. Sure he'd be more heavy than regular, but he feels way too clumsy and grounded. I rather would see more aerial strings on Charizard, focused around sending his foes upward and keep a safe spacing with fire breath and projectiles. This gives him a few of the advantages of Squirtle and Ivysaur and not rely on switching mechanics.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I didn't realize people didn't like Delphox's design. I for one like it for how mage-like it looks.
I don’t really hate her current design but I’m not a huge fan of it either. I think it’s also one of those Pokémon that looks better in their artwork than they do with their 3D model. I think her X/Y model lacked the personality and dynamic pose the artwork did, which probably influenced my opinion on it. I’m also not really a big fan of most modern starter designs these days so she’s not really an outlier there. I like her more than Skeledirge and Quaquavil.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Yeah that one actually looks pretty cool
I just watched the whole video and I like a lot of these redesigns more than what we actually got. My favorite here is Coalossal. They managed to transform one of my least favorite Fire type Pokemon into my third favorite after Houndoom and Ceruledge. Other designs like Grumpig, Toxapex, Marowak and Cinderace were really cool too.


This redesign actually reminds me of Nexomon more than Pokemon but I still think it’s really cool and I like that they kept the whole train motif the rest of the line was going for.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I just watched the whole video and I like a lot of these redesigns more than what we actually got. My favorite here is Coalossal. They managed to transform one of my least favorite Fire type Pokemon into my third favorite after Houndoom and Ceruledge. Other designs like Grumpig, Toxapex, Marowak and Cinderace were really cool too.

View attachment 395339
This redesign actually reminds me of Nexomon more than Pokemon but I still think it’s really cool and I like that they kept the whole train motif the rest of the line was going for.
It also reminds me of Galleom.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
I just watched the whole video and I like a lot of these redesigns more than what we actually got. My favorite here is Coalossal. They managed to transform one of my least favorite Fire type Pokemon into my third favorite after Houndoom and Ceruledge. Other designs like Grumpig, Toxapex, Marowak and Cinderace were really cool too.

View attachment 395339
This redesign actually reminds me of Nexomon more than Pokemon but I still think it’s really cool and I like that they kept the whole train motif the rest of the line was going for.
I still think there was some kind of miscommunication with Coalossal or they made the Gigantamax before the initial design, because making the Gigantamax a mountain is okay, but like... Its first stage is a wheel, then a cart full of coal, and it has the ability Steam Engine... But it's a weird rock monster thing?

Basically, I will continue to stand by the thought that Coalossal should've been a Fire/Steel type train Pokemon, but either they made the Gigantamax first for some reason or they thought its Gigantamax as a train would be too similar to G-Max Centiskorch.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I don't like Delphox's design either, but some redesigns are able to do it justice. Like this one.
This is so good.

Basically, I will continue to stand by the thought that Coalossal should've been a Fire/Steel type train Pokemon, but either they made the Gigantamax first for some reason or they thought its Gigantamax as a train would be too similar to G-Max Centiskorch.
Isn't Centiskorch a microwave heat unit thingy? How would they be deemed too similar?


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
This is so good.

Isn't Centiskorch a microwave heat unit thingy? How would they be deemed too similar?
Because I figure they'd add more cars to the train and then they'd both be new Fire types that get buffed when hit by a Fire move that get extra long when they G-Max lol

Not necessarily true, but I could see it potentially being a concern for variety's sake. And if not, then that makes me even more confused why Coalossal isn't a train, so...


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Rolycoly was gonna be the train Pokémon I never knew I wanted, and then it wasn’t.
Rolycoly is actually awesome looking. One of my favorite basic unevolved Pokemon. I loved its singular creepy looking eye. I was so excited to see what it would evolve into but became increasingly disappointed in each stage. I guess that’s one downside of going in a generation blind like I did. Still worth it overall though.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Rolycoly is actually awesome looking. One of my favorite basic unevolved Pokemon. I loved its singular creepy looking eye. I was so excited to see what it would evolve into but became increasingly disappointed in each stage. I guess that’s one downside of going in a generation blind like I did. Still worth it overall though.
I went into Sw/Sh relatively blind.

There were some amazing surprises, like seeing Pokemon like Snom, Toxtricity, and Dragapult for the first time.

But there were also some stinkers, like when my Sobble evolved...twice...


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Well, was gonna be busy playing Mario Party Jamboree today since I preordered it, but went to the GameStop I preordered it from and they said they had zero copies and would call me when they came in, because I guess someone messed up the delivery date or something.

Might as well have preordered through Amazon on this one if they're just not gonna have it when it comes out lol


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
ah but you forget about regional variations and ecological similar Pokemon. There’s still plenty of time for him to become a train
Hope we get an alternate regional evolution for Electabuzz. Sad that it went from my absolute favorite Electric type to possibly my least favorite with its evolution. Thankfully Eviolite at least gives some reason to stick with Electabuzz but it isn’t exactly the best user of the item.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I went into Sw/Sh relatively blind.

There were some amazing surprises, like seeing Pokemon like Snom, Toxtricity, and Dragapult for the first time.

But there were also some stinkers, like when my Sobble evolved...twice...
Yeah, I think Gen 8's problem is more that the stinkers really stink like...

I was going to drag Stonjourner's name through the mud again but I just remembered I like Cryogonal and Vanillish so I probably don't have a leg to stand on with objectmons so uuuhhh...Eiscue dumb.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Yeah, I think Gen 8's problem is more that the stinkers really stink like...

I was going to drag Stonjourner's name through the mud again but I just remembered I like Cryogonal and Vanillish so I probably don't have a leg to stand on with objectmons so uuuhhh...Eiscue dumb.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that with the last few games actually. There’s still plenty of designs I love but a lot of them are among my least favorite in the series. A real mixed bag.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Hope we get an alternate regional evolution for Electabuzz. Sad that it went from my absolute favorite Electric type to possibly my least favorite with its evolution. Thankfully Eviolite at least gives some reason to stick with Electabuzz but it isn’t exactly the best user of the item.
really? I think eletivire looks quite good


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Yeah, I think Gen 8's problem is more that the stinkers really stink like...

I was going to drag Stonjourner's name through the mud again but I just remembered I like Cryogonal and Vanillish so I probably don't have a leg to stand on with objectmons so uuuhhh...Eiscue dumb.
Okay but Eiscue and Stonjourner are both just silly little guys. I generally really love that new Pokemon generations since like Gen 7 have sorta become a collection of a bunch of weirdos since a lot of like really big simple concepts are already taken.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Hope we get an alternate regional evolution for Electabuzz. Sad that it went from my absolute favorite Electric type to possibly my least favorite with its evolution. Thankfully Eviolite at least gives some reason to stick with Electabuzz but it isn’t exactly the best user of the item.
It still baffles me to learn that most people hate Electivire. Like, it's so cool with that big imposing stature and electrical wires poised to grab hold and shock you to death.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
It still baffles me to learn that most people hate Electivire. Like, it's so cool with that big imposing stature and electrical wires poised to grab hold and shock you to death.
Is it most people or is it just me that doesn’t like Electivire? I’ve seen a lot of people say it’s cool. I wasn’t really a fan of a lot of the Gen 4 evolutions to be fair.

I will say that some of Electivire’s TCG art saves it a bit. Some of its card images are genuinely cool. Still no Electabuzz but I don’t hate it at least.

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Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
The late-game evos in gen 4 are a wonderful mix of 'i love it' or 'i hate it' and there are so few in the middle, lol.

I know some people don't like Electivire, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Porygon-Z or Tangrowth, but I think they're all cool. I even think Probopass is pretty good. I know it's dumb, but so is Nosepass lol. I think most people like Gallade, Mamoswine and Yanmega, and I agree. Honestly don't know where people stand on Dusknoir, but I like it.

On the other hand I'm not big on Togekiss or Magnezone. And Lickilicky imo just looks like a worse Lickitung. The beta Lickilicky looks a lot better to me.

Gliscor and Froslass are in the middle for me. They're fine. Kinda wish Froslass looked a bit more like a Snorunt evo. I don't think you'd put the two together if you didn't know.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
The late-game evos in gen 4 are a wonderful mix of 'i love it' or 'i hate it' and there are so few in the middle, lol.

I know some people don't like Electivire, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Porygon-Z or Tangrowth, but I think they're all cool. I even think Probopass is pretty good. I know it's dumb, but so is Nosepass lol. I think most people like Gallade, Mamoswine and Yanmega, and I agree. Honestly don't know where people stand on Dusknoir, but I like it.

On the other hand I'm not big on Togekiss or Magnezone. And Lickilicky imo just looks like a worse Lickitung. The beta Lickilicky looks a lot better to me.

Gliscor and Froslass are in the middle for me. They're fine. Kinda wish Froslass looked a bit more like a Snorunt evo. I don't think you'd put the two together if you didn't know.
I totally agree that beta Lickilicky is much better. I think Gliscor, Froslass, Mismagius, and Weavile are all cool evolutions but I slightly prefer each of their pre-evolved forms (Glalie in the case of Froslass). The only one I actually like better than pre-evo is Dusknoir. I love Duskull but I’ve never been huge on Dusclops.
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