doesn't need a
full rework, and dumping a ton of copy abilities in there can easily make him overly cluttered. Plus, his normals are pretty intuitive for new players. That said, I don't think it would hurt to throw in a couple elemental abilities, like Fire's breath attack or Spark's thunder dome. I feel like those could flow a bit better than just .
I think Kirby mainly needs tweaks to make him actually good, and one of the things that I'd like to see looked at are his special moves. Final Cutter, Stone, Inhale, and Hammer are iconic, but offer little to no utility at higher skill levels. Of them, I think Final Cutter is the only one that's at all practical, and that's just because it's his recovery.
I have a sneaking suspicion this is because of Copy Abilities, but there has to be a way to work around that.

is interesting. Her Smash kit is basically made up from scratch... but what would a canon-compliant Zelda even look like? Her most important roles are either A: In an alternate form or personality for most of her screentime (Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks), literally dead (Also Spirit Tracks), or using abilities made up for that incarnation (BotW's time magic, Sheikah tech, and I believe most of her light god powers, and EoW's Tri Rod). The only constants are the Light Arrows (Which are usually given to Link anyways) and some vaguely-defined light magic. We could make an original moveset with the Light Arrows, maybe? That'd be fun to see.
- EoW Zelda is worth highlighting, because while she's not really an accurate representation of Zelda as a whole, it's still the first time she's been the main character since the CD-i games, which are, uh... The CD-i games. Plus, it'd be cool to see how EoW Zelda really looks outside of the littlle minifigure artstyle. At the very least, we could rework the Phantom into a Tri Rod special.
Like with Kirby, I mainly want her kit to work properly. She's a character defined by hard reads, but doesn't have anything other than Phantom to condition opponents with. One idea I've had is to move Nayru's Love to her parry, and give her Arrows of Light, which act as a sniper weapon. Then, change Din's Fire to be a trap move that hovers in place when you let go of the button instead of exploding. After that it detonates on command. If you hit the undetonated fire with a Light Arrow, it consumes the fire, and sends the arrow at the nearest opponent.
I don't think that would fix all her problems, but it would be cool.

mainly needs good aerials and better air movement. In a game like Smash, having a bad air game is a death sentence. I see him being reworked into being fast and hard-hitting, but with slow startup on his best attacks and poor reach overall, forcing him to weave around attacks and look for a good opening. Also, most people seem to agree that the Star Punches would work better than the Power Meter.
I'm a big proponent of not removing characters' gimmicks because they define their character's identity in Super Smash Bros. This extends to Hero and Byleth as well despite their gimmicks being misplaced in a lot of people's opinions, but I don't really have much to say about them that I haven't already very recently. For Little Mac, I think he needs an improved ground game (it is currently polarizing, but compared to others, his ground kit lacks utility in certain areas), and a way for him to get onto platforms. He should never get good aerials. If need be, he could be given medeocre aerials to help him play around platforms, but they should never be a major part of his gameplan.
I think what probably should be done is that his standing jump height should be increased so that he can land on most platforms without burning his double jump, even if only just. He still would have to play around high platforms like the ones on Battlefield and Town & City strangely, but this should give him the ability to do so at all.

in Xenoblade is actually a pretty fast guy, much unlike the slow and clunky attacks he has in Smash. His Monado Arts don't work that way in Xenoblade, either. He actually
does have a could other buffs in Monado Armour and Enchant, but the rest of his Arts are primarily attacks and debuffs.
I've spoken at length at how I believe that his Monado Arts are fine in concept, and why it makes sense that they did it this way a couple times before, but on actually fixing Shulk's kit, I think the main thing is that the Monado Arts need to alter his gameplan a bit more intentionally than just boosting his stats:
- Smash is for K.O.ing, and it does do that, so that's fine.
- Buster is for damage, so it should give him a higher combo ability. Making him do so little knockback that he can be negative on hit is silly, so the damage and knockback reduction should be normalized a bit, and his frame data should improve here to aid in the combos.
- Speed is for mobility, so it should give him better approach or whiff punish options.
- Shield is for defense, so instead of just making him go nowhere on hit (and dying instantly to Kazuya), it should give him better defensive options like turning Air Slash into a DP among other things.
- Jump is for recovery, and it does do that, so I guess it's fine. I would like to see some utility beyond that though.
I also think Vision could be more interesting as a counter, but that wouldn't change a whole lot overall.
- I don't like
's moveset. The quarter-circles are fine, but they feel kinda weird to me, since Smash's whole deal is that everyone has the same control scheme to make them easier to play. I dunno, maybe we can give everyone else quarter-circles on the side. I cannot defend the pressure-sensitive buttons, however. Those are tricky to input right and make his moveset feel unecessarily bloated. I won't be sad to see them go. Oh, and we can take his jump off that fixed arc, it doesn't work well in Smash.
is the same as Ryu; Motion inputs are a little jarring but still easy enough to pull off, but pressure-sensitive buttons feel unecessary. Ironically, the reworks I'd want for Ken and Ryu would leave less work rather than more, since we're removing some moves.
I say keep the extra moves, but give players a choice between Smash and Traditional controls: Smash controls are as they are now, Traditional controls give their heavy normals to the grab button (shield + attack is still a grab input, so you wouldn't be removing the option). Also, the FGC characters might benefit from having motion inputs mapped to only the special move button to avoid misinputs, with the exception of Ken's command normals, which should probably be the opposite.
Other than that, I kind of think they should stay the same. I don't believe their jump arcs are fixed so much as they have poor air exceleration. Simon, Richter, and oddly, Snake have this distinction as well. I think the main difference between them and Ryu and Ken is that they're all zoners, but with their high power, I think committing to aerial approaches is a fair weakness to have, and is an interesting way to ground their playstyles without just making their air game bad.