Hahaha, i'm not an adbot! Promise.

Although why would you think I was?
People these days just need a chill pill, always making things seem like a bigger deal than they really are.
To the guy who wants his best friend to tell him her sex life:
If she doesn't wanna share every detail of her life, then so be it, its her choice. I have a best friend who lives on the other side of the country from where I live. We manage to stay really really close, and while she really does share a lot of things about her life with me, I could never expect her to tell me everything. Sometimes its a little difficult for some people to share intimate details, because its a personal topic. You can't expect her to tell you about her sex life! Just because you two are close doesn't mean she has to spill the beans about everything. Everyone is always gonna have a secret or two that they don't wanna talk about. My girlfriend who i've been with for 2 years now, there's a few things I'm sure that she hasn't shared with me, but in time I'm sure she will, and if not then so be it I can't really force her to. I have my share of secrets as well. So just chill yo, she'll either come around or she won't. You can't just dump her as a friend because of it. Besides, its just sex, that'd be a stupid thing of you to stop being friends with her over sex details!
Just saying!