Namely side-b command grab and up-b with no hitbox. Far from the only characters with such mechanics, but these happen to be menacing and feared energy-themed pokemon. Not at all dissimilar to the Mario bros, which I'm also not arguing are straight clones. Giving no regard to these parallels is just, ugh. Like I said we're splitting hairs here and the ensuing crap-storm is the true absurdity here. Consider this a crash course in learning to not get upset over inconsequential, highly subjective opinions, least of all in a thread dedicated to unpopular opinionsYou keep saying this. Tell me which special moves, besides Shadow Ball/Aura Sphere, are at all similar between Mewtwo and Lucario.

Not nearly in the same category, unlike those two incineroar has no aerial prowess, doesn't shoot, not no energy, no nothing but his bare knuckles. Also he knows how to smile now and thenIncineroar is kind of a Lucario clone if you think about it: Bipedal cat, command grab Side B, Counter Down B, martial artist, gets stronger the more he gets hit (if using Revenge), gameplan relying on said raw strength, diving Up B, mostly using kicks for the rest of the moveset
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