Destiny Smasher, if it sounds like I'm in a hissy fit, then it's only because I operate with less than 5 hours of sleep a night, on top of studying and practicing for Smash. Trust me, it's not like I'm directing animosity at you. >_>
Alright, so basically you're trying to make the point that:
1) Some games are unsuitable for the Wii.
2) The Wii's unique interface will create a need for new, innovative, different types of games that what standard gamers are familiar with.
For the first point, I'll agree with you. . .but I'll also point out that some of those games which are unsuitable for the Wii are games that people would ordinarily buy a system for. The only reason I bought a DS was for Advance Wars. Along the same lines, someone may look into the Wii, and realize that their favorite fighter happens to have botched controls, which will deter them from buying the system.
The Wiimote, as I've said before, is a risk, because the new control scheme will no doubt alienate gamers who would normally prefer a D-pad and control stick. It's precisely this reason why I argue that the price point should be lower.
For the second point, let me ask you this: do we really need new, innovative types of games at the expense of tried-and-true mechanics? I'll agree that innovation is important, but not at the risk of screwing up a standard control scheme.
Look at the DS. It's supposed to promote innovation and new gameplay, but that's hardly the case. How many innovative games actually work well on the DS? Kirby and Phoenix Wright are the only ones that come to mind. . .all the other great games are ones that control like any standard GBA game. Like Castlevania, Advance Wars, New Super Mario Brothers, and Mario Kart.
In the same vein, the Wii is bringing the new control scheme which is fine and dandy, but is running the risk of alienating developers who'd rather stick to D-pad and analog stick.
. . .just to be clear, I'm not hating on the Wii; I pre-ordered mine a long time ago. I'm simply stating that:
1) None of us know how the Wii will perform given the unprecedented control scheme and the unknown level of demand.
2) Nintendo runs the risk of alienating both gamers (and developers) by emphasizing innovation, which is why the price point should have been lower.