**** it, the hopes and wants of a Black Man for the Switch 2. As well as other general predictions. This post is a gonna look like the Dead Sea Scrolls, so warning in advance.
- Mega Man 12/ECT. Don't know if it'll happen, but with them trying to set up more Mega Man stuff outside of the games (and them going on record for it to lead to the games getting bigger than ever) I hope we some **** like Mega Man 12 or MMX9. I'd be fine with MMBN 7, but I'm less hungry for that since I'm still working through the original set of Battle Networks, probably gonna start MMBN3 soon if I don't mess around with more of 2's post game. I think they SHOULD do MM12, if only because I think the Double Gear system should get AT LEAST one more game to mess around with. It was cool. Even more so if Protoman or Bass get to be playable alongside Mega Man. Basically, we know Capcom is trying to set up Mega Man for more success, yet people are left waiting again. I want them to deliver because they've proven that they can.
- Metroid Prime 4, surely they'll give a 2nd look at it right? You'd think anyway. I want to see if Samus get's Beams closer to 1,2 and Hunters, where she can swap between different weapons for the situation. Prime 3, from what I saw, has your main gun simply go through upgrades, rather than being fully different weapons. Which sounds a little less fun for me. I liked that aspect of Prime's fighting style from the main 2D Metroid titles.
- Street Fighter 6. I dunno, I feel like out of all the current modern games that are out now, SF6 seems the most viable(that interests me)for a Switch 2 version. The system is rumored to be about a strong as a PS4, and SF6 can run on one. So it feels appropriate, and the game is modern enough that I think people would get generally actually excited.
- Mario Kart 9 or 10 or Whatever they call it. An obvious one. I want to see if we'll actually get near F-Zero levels of racers on the track. I also want to see the new and proper stages. Point is, 10 seconds of a look wasn't enough to REALLY get me, y'know?
- Killer Instinct. Need Microsoft to get the people Macrohard by porting Killer Instinct on other systems already. They already damn near gave up on having exclusives, so GIVE ME THE ONE I WANT.
- Tekken 8. This one is more of a pipe dream, IMO, I think Tekken 8 is generally really impressive visually, so I can totally see it staying on PS5/XSX. But again, a modern game I give a **** about, so I want to see it.
- Resident Evil, less of a want, and more prediction based. I think they'll try to gas up the power of the Switch 2 by showing RE2 and RE3 remakes on it, since those are PS4 games. I think RE4 remake was also PS4, so if I'm not trippin' they'll likely have that as a candidate. Same with 7 and 8.
- Sonic Racing Crossworlds. Sonic games tend to do well on Nintendo systems. But since we don't know when the next main title's dropping, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they'll find a way to get this on Switch 2.
- MK1? Low chances on Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch 2, but a port that doesn't suck ass is potentially possible, right? Crazy(or Krazy?)how much better MK11's Switch port looked compared to MK1's when one is so much later than the other.
- Skyrim, Todd Howard must be fed another Skyrim port. You WILL get an ugly TotK Link to go with the BotW Link from last time.
- Doom. I feel like the Doom games should keep getting ports over.
- DMC5. I want DMC6 already. Hopefully a million Nintendo sales will convince them to do it. It's a PS4 game. So porting on a console supposedly on that level should be real.
- F-Zero. Pure cut Colombian Copium.
- Gamecube games on Switch Online. Listen man, Wario World cost 80 bucks if you're lucky online. God forbid if you didn't keep your copy of Melee.
- Animal Crossing, if they are Smart, I think they'd use this as one of their big show case games. And I don't even **** with AC at all.
- FF7R. The 2nd one is PS5/PC only I think? But Part 1 being on Switch 2 seems plausible. I'm guessing since the games took a while to get their sales target, they might want to get it on as many systems as possible now, and since Nintendo's not in dire sales as Microsoft(at the moment, and I don't think that'll change too drastically yet)porting over a compromised version of FF7R2 might still be worth Square's time. I guess the same could be said for FF16.
- DBFZ2. Pure cut Colobian Copium, the 2nd stash.
- Splatoon 4. Another more modern series that a lot of people give a **** about. I think Nintendo will want to put their best foot forward for the shareholders and use this as a way to do so.
- 3D Mario. 50/50 on this happening. I think a NEW Mario Kart might enough for them to save 3D Mario as the biggest game of year 2 or Holiday for the Switch 2. But maybe I'm trippin'.
- More Wii-U ports. Mostly Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. New Zelda's probably gonna take a while, this could hold people over since the Wii-U sold like Small-pox flavored soda. Could also be multi-system, like how I think Prime 4 should/could be.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.